เมื่อหนุ่มนิเทศมาฝึกงานที่ TENCENT PRODUCTION TEAM | Internship Review

Napong Wongwisessuk
Tencent (Thailand)
Published in
4 min readAug 5, 2022

Hello everyone, my name is Dee (ดี). I am a 3rd year Mahidol university international college student (MUIC) majoring in media and communication. I recently had a chance to intern for the production team at Tencent (Sanook.com) and I’m going to tell you all about it so buckle up!

Environment, Culture, and Friends!

I wanted to start by explaining Tencent’s culture and company environment. Tencent welcomes interns with open arms and recruits many interns at once, this means that you are sure to make friends along the way! Even if you work in different departments, you will still be able to see each other every lunch break. If you are afraid that you will be lonely during your time here, think again since Tencent literally provides us interns with activities so that we can connect such as ice breaker activities (Feels like a freshman in university!). Tencent even has other exciting activities around the office such as table tennis, board games, and a pool table. Speaking of pool, every lunchtime, there’s an ongoing phenomenon where employees from various departments gather around to enjoy a friendly competition of pool. The employees here are experts and you can kindly challenge them to a match if you’re up for a hyped-up and sweaty round of pool!

Tencent’s welcome gifts

Sanook Office Vibe Check!

Forget the impression of a mundane, facebook-scrolling, unenergetic workplace since the Sanook office is literally the most ‘sanook’ thing you will experience. The office environment is really energetic and the employees are welcoming and extremely hilarious. I have so many good memories during my stay in the office which never runs out of positive energy. I highly recommend interning for Sanook if you’re in for a good laugh. But do be prepared! Playing hard also goes hand in hand with working hard! Interning in the production team can sometimes be energy draining such as going out to crowded press events or doing long sleepless edits of exclusive videos however, don’t be discouraged since there’s a lot of fun to be had!

Day in the Life of a Production Intern!

I mostly spend my time editing and curating content for Sanook.com. After lunch, on most occasions, artists or celebrities would come into the studio to give interviews and promote their work. This is when the production team will transition to the studio. In the studio, production interns (like me!) will be able to learn many technical skills such as lighting, camera functions, camera switching, live streaming, and sound. We even get to do the technical things ourselves, such as recording still images and videos of interviews or content! We then use the footage taken to edit them so that they can be published on the Sanook website (and yes our products are used, not scrapped!). Our timetable however is not fixed since there are events we must participate in as well. For those who are looking for new experiences and is tired of being indoors, from time to time, the production team will have shoots, where we must venture to various sites too! So keep a flexible timetable and get ready to press that record button.

A glimpse of The Production Team

Why did I choose Tencent and why you should do the same?

To be completely honest, I wasn’t expecting much in the beginning since I was only trying to fulfill a mandatory internship course for my university program. However, this internship at Tencent has left me wanting more since what I have received is very valuable (I'm dead serious), from the connections I got along the way to the skills which I can apply in the future. Tencent production is more than a mundane 9 to 5 workplace. There are always aspects to look forward to. It’s hard to squeeze in 2 months of experience into a short piece of writing so I wanted you to experience it yourself. If you’re looking to intern here, turn down your other internship offers, apply at Tencent and, prepare to have a blast. I promise you that it will be the most memorable internship you will have.

Production gang

All good things must come to an end. The good experiences wouldn’t be possible without these people

Special thanks to :

My mentor - Supasin (พี่โอ๋) and his Production Team

พี่แพรว and HR Team

Production Buddy - Liú

Fellow Sanook interns - Priaw, Na, Miu

Thank you for making this the best internship I’ve ever had ♥.

