Launch a new token and send it across the Cosmos — Starport v0.12 is here!

Denis Fadeev
Tendermint Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2020

We’re excited to announce Starport v0.12, which grants developers the ability to create tokens on one chain and transfer it to an infinite number of other blockchains. Based on the multi-organizational effort to launch Stargate & IBC, you can now create a new blockchain with a new token and send that token to any other IBC-enabled blockchain. The vision of Cosmos — the internet of blockchains — has finally arrived!

Alongside interchain token transfers, we’ve also designed and built a beautiful developer UI that lets you inspect blocks, transactions, and messages on your chain. We’ve also added new CLI commands to help you build your chain and scaffold multiple custom modules.

Interchain token transfers

With Starport, you can now scaffold Stargate-compatible chains, connect them with IBC, and send tokens between them in just a few simple commands. Starport’s online dev environment now includes an IBC relayer that we’ve automatically configured for your chain.

Watch this video to learn how to make interchain token transfers:

In summary, to start building with IBC, you’ll want to open up two editors, create chains with

starport app --sdk-version stargate

and connect them with starport chain add {{insert relayer info here}}. After the chain is restarted and an inter-blockchain connection is established, you can send tokens and start prototyping with IBC. Read the guide on interchain transfers with Starport.

Developer UI

In this release, we’ve also redesigned the welcome screen from scratch. With a brand new visual design, it now provides a better overview of your chain’s running processes and lists the growing number of Starport tutorials and guides.

The other addition to the Starport toolset is a block explorer built for chain developers. Beautifully designed and lightweight, it focuses on displaying the information SDK developers need, including formatted messages from custom SDK modules, errors, and the necessary meta information.

This initial release is the first step at bringing better user-friendly developer tooling to the Cosmos ecosystem.

Starport block explorer

New CLI commands

In v0.12, we’re introducing two new highly requested commands for building your chain and scaffolding custom modules.

starport build will build and install the CLI of your blockchain without running it. After building, you can use the binaries to launch nodes or API servers manually.

starport module create foo will scaffold an empty custom module in `x/foo`. Cosmos SDK was originally built as a flexible system extensible through modules and this Starport command helps you build your chain in a more modular way.

When scaffolding new data types, you can now select a module to create these in.

starport type post title body --module blog

This command will create a post datatype in the x/blog module.

Starport & HackAtom V

HackAtom V is a two-week hackathon that started last Friday (the 16th) and runs until October 30th. Hackers can win up to $50,000 USD in ATOM tokens. If you didn’t know about this event — no worries, you can still join! Because Starport enables you to generate new blockchains in minutes, there’s little disadvantage to joining late.

We look forward to seeing what the community builds with Starport v0.12. With support for interchain token transfers, Cosmos’s future has expanded into an entirely new dimension: space.

