Starport, the easiest way to build a blockchain

Michelle Leech
Tendermint Blog
Published in
4 min readJul 27, 2020

Create a new blockchain in two commands

Starport is an open-source rapid prototyping tool that lets developers quickly build a new blockchain with just two CLI commands. Currently, even for seasoned blockchain developers, building a new blockchain and launching a local testnet can take up the better part of a day. With the alpha release of Starport, developers can launch a simple Cosmos SDK-based blockchain in less than five minutes. Starport’s intelligent scaffolding feature radically reduces development time and lowers the barrier to blockchain for millions of developers.

Lowering the barrier to entry

For developers and end-users, steep technical learning curves and usability concerns are known blockers for mainstream blockchain adoption. The estimated number of blockchain developers is just over 100,000 compared to nine million Javascript developers. As of June 2019, the Blockchain Developer Analysis Report referenced an average of 6,842 total monthly active crypto developers. This disparity highlights significant growth potential and the need for better developer tooling.

Starport: From idea to blockchain in minutes

Tendermint Core, Cosmos SDK, and Inter-blockchain Communication (IBC) were the essential foundational layers for building an ‘Internet of Blockchains.’ However, for the ecosystem to mature and grow, Tendermint recognized the need for higher-level tooling to support faster and easier application development on top of the robust Cosmos stack. Thus, Tendermint built Starport to serve as a starting point for new developers to scaffold, prototype, and launch public Proof-of-Stake blockchains in minutes.

View the Starport demo to see how easy it is to use.

Starport Features

  • Scaffold a blockchain: set up and start developing a full-featured Cosmos SDK-based blockchain in one command
  • Scaffold a type: create a new data type in one command (including CLI commands, REST endpoints, and web UI views)
  • Scaffold a web app: a web app is automatically created (including CosmJS and the API to interact with the blockchain)
  • Hot reloading: the web app and the blockchain itself will automatically reload when changes are made to the source code
  • Smart contracts: add CosmWasm smart contract support to the blockchain with one command
  • Up-to-date: Starport supports Launchpad, a stable release of the Cosmos SDK. It will also soon support Stargate, the IBC-enabled version of the Cosmos SDK.

What will you build with Starport?

Starport is available today for developers to download and try out. Start turning your idea into a blockchain! Check out these short tutorials to help you get started building with Starport:

A better starting point for your blockchain

Most current production Cosmos SDK-based blockchains have a lineage that traces back to a fork of Gaia, the source code of the Cosmos Hub. This has led to a number of maintainability issues for blockchain developers. For example, just to rename Gaia to something else, developers have to make 105 individual changes across 23 files. It’s a complex and error-prone process that a find and replace search cannot easily resolve.

Through experience, the easiest way for new developers to get started with blockchain development is with a clean slate. Most blockchain developers do not need the large amounts of code currently found in Gaia. In comparison, Starport only includes a minimal set of files necessary to build a Cosmos SDK-based blockchain.

Code with Us

Tendermint’s Director of Developer Experience, Denis Fadeev, will be giving a Starport workshop on July 31st. Signup today for the Cosmos Code with Us workshop: “Build and launch a polling application with Starport”

Description: In this tutorial, you’ll be building a simple poll application with Starport. The application will allow users to create polls (creating a poll will cost tokens), cast votes, and see the results in a browser-based UI. Starport CLI will be used to scaffold the code and launch the application along with some JavaScript to wire up the UI. This is a beginner-friendly session that doesn’t require any prior knowledge of Cosmos SDK (some experience with Go or JS, and a Unix-like console).

Date: July 31st, 7 am PDT/9 pm EDT/4 am CEST

Host: Denis Fadeev, Developer Experience Lead at Tendermint

Resource: Starport on Github

About Tendermint

At Tendermint, we empower people to create a transparent and accountable world through open, distributed, and interoperable networks. Tendermint is the gateway to the Cosmos ecosystem. We’ve built critical infrastructure for open networks, like the Cosmos SDK, Tendermint Core, and Gaia. We lead the developer experience by providing best-in-class tools to peer into an ever-expanding Cosmos.

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Michelle Leech
Tendermint Blog

Communication Manager @ Tendermint | Cosmos Contributor | Marketing advisor @ Totem Live