TEN X BabySwap

Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2021

The place where all new projects go to farm…


TEN Finance with another one!

We’ve recently had a good run of picking the right projects and teams when it comes to our partners in the BSC space! As the DeFi space in particular becomes smaller and smaller by the day, TEN Finance is expanding its reach and community by working with truly hard working teams that will be pillars of the DeFi space for years to come.

The BabySwap team has shown to be one of the most punctual, organized and dedicated teams we have worked with and it’s been an absolute pleasure thus far and definitely look forward to the future.

Since BabySwap concentrates on nurturing newer projects and is always looking for ways to innovate as they’ve done with their recent BabySwap Bottles initiative, the NFB’s, Baby’s Playground, The Crypto You game and entry into the Metaverse, BabySwap is always looking for ways to continue to evolve!

As everyone knows, our BabySwap collaboration started a little under a month ago with our very own Pool and also our own USDT/TENFI farm where you can earn some $BABY while providing $TENFI LP!

With our BabySwap collaboration, we allow BABY holders to stake the native tokens to earn TENFI in the BabySwap Pools, and with the BabySwap GameFi YIELDEX vault, our users, with the support of BabySwap, get exposure to exciting and new, hot, up and coming pools to earn more yield!

TEN Finance will start with the BabySwap GameFi YIELDEX vault supporting the BabySwap platform, then as we expand the selection, we’ll add several others…


The YIELDEX vaults are just like any other vault we have, they are auto-compounded daily between the hours of 08:30AM UTC to 09:30AM UTC and earn additional TENFI tokens as a reward.

The YIELDEX has a deposit fee of 1% and no withdrawal fees upon exit! To learn more about the YIELDEX, please go here.

Working with fellow innovators such as the BabySwap team and making sure that everything is done in a timely manner and more importantly, efficiently, is definitely in line with our pursuit of simplifying DeFi and by having the YIELDEX do all the work for the user with the simplicity of a single click!

We are extremely excited to be working with the team at BabySwap and look forward to getting further involved with everything Baby!

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this collaboration thus far.

Learn more about BabySwap at their official communication channels listed below.

Website · Telegram · Twitter · Discord

