Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2021

Here we are, May 10th, the long await launch day for ten.finance!

It seems like forever has passed, but it’s only been 11 hours or so since we launched and exhausted all public launch supply of the TENFI tokens in a matter of 10 minutes! Yes, 10 minutes and all 5,120,000 TENFI were gone.

Congratulations team TEN right? Nope! The BSC network as it is, was already having issues for several hours before our launch, but during the launch hours it seemed like everything was taking forever to do! Pools taking forever to deploy so we can add liquidity to our native pools and trying to maintain the calmness of the community of the many many members that weren’t able to partake in the launch. We had 3896 rejected/failed transactions of people trying to send their BUSD to the smart contract.

The anticipation was high and we had always wanted to do a fair launch in a way that the available TENFI tokens would be available to everyone in a fair manner, for them to be able to stake/farm/buy all at the same time. While we were able to accomplish one aspect of our launch, the other aspect turned our “fair launch” into a delayed launch which very much involves the emotional and psychological rollercoaster that we are certain many have undergone over the last several hours.

We take full responsibility for over promising on this aspect of having a fair launch turning into a delayed launch/presale (which many of you preferred instead anyway) that could have been averted if we had not overlooked something that would’ve taken less than a minute to implement!

Which brings us to the problem and hopefully the solution that we hope can rectify this matter of emotional rollercoaster over the last few hours.

As we have a big team working for TENFI, we have professionals that are given their and sometimes human errors may occur. Our original TENFI token, which was written by a Jr developer (who is no longer with us) because it was just a “simple token” contract, which was then reviewed by our project manager in charge of this area, we should have looked into this prior to handing over ownership of TENFI to the TENFI Farm contract, but the Farm was not in the minter list and in order for the TENFI Farm to call this function, it could only be invoked by the owner of the TENFI token. And since the owner of TENFI is the TENFI Farm, it does not have the call functionality to add a minter! So instead of pointing fingers at one another, we’re moving forward full speed ahead.

Long story short, the story of the “Lonely TENFI” being useless became the story of the fair launch is now a delayed launch!

So what is the solution?

1. Re-deploy TENFI token

2. TENFI token exchange with new and improved TENFI!

3. Provide additional 10% TENFI bonus as a token of our gratitude for your patience and inconvenience during this matter.

(All TENFI from current contract will be burned upon exchange)

We would like to do this on Thursday, May 13th at 14:00 GMT which most likely we will have on our website the same portal to which everyone participated on the launch where you will connect your Metamask wallet and send in your TENFI token and in exchange you will get 1.1X your TENFI in return to your wallet.

After 24 hours, Friday, May 14th at 14:00 GMT (maybe more if community feels we need longer for everyone to exchange their TENFI), we will open the staking and farming for all the pools in a fully functional manner.

Thank you for your continued support and again, our apologies for this inconvenience and we hope to repay your faith in TEN by bringing you innovation going forward and continued transparency, good or bad!



