Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2021

The path to simplicity is sometimes a bit more complex than we could have imagined! Although, in theory it seems simple enough to simplify just about anything, most times, it’s actually more complicated to simplify a basic process.

Enter, DeFi and the ever so complicated process of yield farming, providing LP, staking, unstaking and everything else that comes along with the goodness that is DeFi!

TEN Finance is here to simplify this process for everyone and we’re taking steps to do this one step at a time.

Below is a brief overview of that process as well as a video showing the process, as always, if anything is unclear, feel free to contact us directly at our contact info below.

The TENZap process…

Go to ten.finance and go to Vaults by clicking “Launch App

Once on the main vaults page (app.ten.finance) click on connect wallet and choose your wallet of choice

Once connected, scroll down to the LP you wish to pair (for this example we will use TUSD/BUSD LP) and click Manage, when the row expands click GET TUSD-BUSD

Once you click on GET TUSD-BUSD, choose amount of BNB or BUSD you wish to use to pair the LP and click Create LP, then confirm via wallet the transaction. Once the transaction is complete, press X or “Completed” on the pop up.

Once LP is shown in your Wallet on ten.finance, choose amount to deposit and click “Deposit to Vault” and approve the spend for the LP on your wallet and confirm the deposit to your Vault.

Video explainer of Buying TENFI direct on ten.finance as well as creating your LP tokens directly on our Vaults page!






Published in tenfinance

TEN is the most comprehensive, yet simplified #defi project on #binancesmartchain

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