Unlocking USDEFI: An NFT Adventure with DCNTRL Network

Published in
5 min readAug 10, 2023

👋 Hey TENizens & Future DCNTRL Community!

Today we’re excited to reveal our #UnlockingUSDEFI campaign…

To bolster the inauguration of our protocol, we’ve rolled out #UnlockingUSDEFI! Embark on a journey to earn NFTs and rewards powered by Galxe, all while unraveling the mysteries of the DCNTRL ecosystem.

Throughout this campaign, we’ll delve into everything from the core functionalities of DCNTRL to the intricacies of USDEFI our BNB-backed stablecoin. We aspire to make these topics enlightening, aiding you to #UnlockUSDEFI, so you can harness its full potential.

We conceived the #UnlockingUSDEFI campaign to facilitate a swift and engaging learning experience about our platform’s key mechanics, all the while letting you accumulate NFTs to commemorate your educational voyage.

This fantastic learning opportunity was produced in collaboration with our friends over at Galxe!

If you don’t want to read the rest of this article you can get stuck in by clicking here!

About Galxe…
Galxe is building a protocol that powers on-chain credentials with plug-and-play NFT modules. The permissionless infrastructure allows everyone to create, distribute, and gamify NFTs with the customized on-chain data. Developers can build their own loyalty programs, and individuals can issue and claim the NFTs backed by their on-chain achievements.

What is Unlocking USDEFI?

Unlocking USDEFI is not just another NFT campaign; it’s an educational adventure. As participants delve into the intricacies of the DCNTRL Network and the USDEFI token, they are rewarded with exclusive NFTs. These NFTs serve as both a testament to their knowledge and a valuable asset in the growing world of digital collectibles.

How Does It Work?

The campaign is structured around a series of quizzes and challenges. As users navigate through #UnlockingUSDEFI on Galxe , they’ll encounter quizzes tailored to test their understanding of the platform and its unique offerings. Successful completion of these quizzes earns participants exclusive NFTs.

😍 Check out the NFTs you’ll collect!

Throughout your #UnlockingUSDEFI adventure you’ll have the ability to document your learning progress by collecting our unique NFTs for each key topic.

NFT Utility:
This collection of NFTs will have the utility of making holders eligible to receive future airdrops, participate in exclusive holder giveaways and much more!

📣 They also look pretty cool and show that you’re a DCNTRL ecosystem expert!

Once you have earned all of the #UnlockingUSDEFI NFTs you will get to claim the USDEFI Champion badge to showcase the fact you are a DCNTRL ecosystem expert!

👉 DCNTRL community members who manage to get this NFT will get to be involved in even bigger giveaways, and other exciting future events!

▶️ Start your DCNTRL & #USDEFI adventure now!

Are you ready to embark on this educational journey? Dive into the DCNTRL Gitbook, challenge yourself with our quizzes, and start collecting those NFTs! With the Unlocking USDEFI campaign, every participant is a winner, gaining knowledge, NFTs, and a deeper connection to the DCNTRL community.

Start now!👇


What are the NFTs used for?

  • The UnlockingUSDEFI NFT collection are digital achievements to document your DCNTRL learning journey. This collection will be considered a record for your knowledge of the DCNTRL Network ecosystem.
  • The NFTs will occasionally be used as eligibility into various future giveaways & airdrops.

What is the UnlockingUSDEFI Champion NFT?

  • The UnlockingUSDEFI Champion NFT is the final NFT in this collection. It is rewarded only to community members that complete their learning journey and score 100% on every quiz about the DCNTRL ecosystem.
  • This golden NFT will be used as eligibility into future exclusive giveaways.

What is the duration of the campaign? Can I claim after the campaign end?

  • The UnlockingUSDEFI campaign is here to stay! This campaign has no time limit and will continue to run indefinitely, so all current and future DCNTRL users can enjoy this learning experience and complete their NFT collection.

Can I trade the NFTs?

  • These NFTs are ERC721 standard. It is possible to trade them on OpenSea or other NFT markets, but we strongly discourage any sales and wish everyone who wants these NFTs to complete their own DCNTRL learning journey.

❤️ Thanks for reading!

The horizon of decentralized finance is vast and ever-expanding. As we gear up for the much-anticipated launch of the DCNTRL Network and USDEFI, we’re not just celebrating a campaign but the spirit of BNB Chain, community, and empowerment.

Join us in this exhilarating journey, embrace the opportunity to learn, earn, and shape the future of finance. With Unlocking USDEFI, we’re not just unlocking knowledge; we’re unlocking a new era of possibilities. Get ready, the future of BNB-backed DeFi is about to begin!

How to contact DCNTRL?
DCNTRL is delighted to communicate with all of our global users at any time, we’re aiming to build a friendly, rewarding crypto community where all of our users are maximizing their earnings on crypto!

Please, do not hesitate to contact us and join the DCNTRL family today:

👋 See you next time!


