Unpacking DCNTRL’s Redemption Mechanism: A User’s Guide

Published in
4 min readOct 5, 2023


As DCNTRL gears up to activate its unique redemption feature, it’s the perfect time to delve into how this mechanism works and why it’s crucial for the protocol’s stability and user rewards. Unlike repaying your own USDEFI debt, redemptions allow you to redeem other users’ debt, offering a new layer of flexibility and financial opportunity.

What are DCNTRL Redemptions?

DCNTRL redemptions are a unique feature that allows USDEFI holders to redeem their tokens at face value for the underlying BNB collateral at any time. This mechanism is separate from repaying your loan position’s debt, which is free of charge. Redemptions, however, will incur a fee.

How DCNTRL Redemptions Work:

A Walk-Through A user decides to redeem their USDEFI. All loan positions are sorted by collateral ratio, from riskiest to safest. The redeemed USDEFI is used to pay off the debt of the riskiest loan(s), in exchange for their BNB collateral. The remaining BNB collateral is left for the loan owner to claim.

What purpose do DCNTRL Redemptions Serve?

1️⃣ Price Stability

One of the most vital roles of redemptions is to help maintain the peg of the USDEFI stablecoin to $1. If the market price of USDEFI falls below $1, redemptions offer an arbitrage opportunity. Arbitrageurs can buy USDEFI at a discount and redeem it for $1 worth of BNB collateral, reducing bad debt in the ecosystem — effectively reducing the supply of USDEFI and pushing its price back towards the peg.

2️⃣ System Health

Redemptions contribute to the overall health and stability of the DCNTRL Protocol by targeting the riskiest loan positions first. When a user redeems USDEFI, the protocol uses those tokens to repay the debt of the riskiest loan positions, thereby reducing systemic risk. This mechanism ensures that the protocol remains robust even if individual users fail to maintain adequate collateral.

3️⃣ User Flexibility

For USDEFI holders, redemptions offer a way to exit their positions in a straightforward manner. They can redeem their USDEFI tokens at face value for BNB collateral without having to go through an exchange. This provides an additional layer of flexibility and options for users to manage their assets.

4️⃣ Fee Generation

Redemptions typically incur a fee, which serves as an additional revenue stream for the protocol and Stability Pool providers. These fees can be dynamically adjusted based on system parameters, ensuring that they serve as either an incentive or a disincentive for redemptions, depending on the system’s needs at any given time.

How Can You Be Affected by DCNTRL Redemptions?

If you mint USDEFI on DCNTRL you could potentially be redeemed against. While these seems bad at first being subject to a redemption isn’t in reality. You’ll just lose some of your BNB exposure while receiving a lesser debt burden. However, it’s possible for your loan position to be “fully redeemed,” meaning your debt is entirely paid off in return for a corresponding amount of collateral. In such cases, your loan position will be closed, and any surplus collateral will be sent to a pool where you can claim it.

How to Avoid Being Affected by Redemptions

To minimize the risk of being affected by redemptions, you can monitor your position among loan positions and adjust accordingly.

The DCNTRL Protocol offers a “Risky Mints” section where you can easily monitor your place in line. Maintaining a Collateral Ratio above the minimum required level is generally recommended.

Redemptions will always redeem the Debt for the riskiest loan positions first

If you notice you are near the top of the list we suggest adjusting your Collateral Ratio (CR). This can be done by supplying more BNB collateral or reducing your USDEFI. As a rule of thumb, a CR of 200–250% should provide adequate room to prepare you for any potential crypto volatility. By altering your CR you can manage your risk and avoid being negatively impacted by redemptions.

Read our docs to see how you can manage your USDEFI position below!


Understanding DCNTRL’s redemption mechanism is crucial for both new and experienced users. It not only helps in maintaining the protocol’s stability but also provides avenues for earning rewards. For those looking to explore this feature in more detail, we recommend reading the DCNTRL Gitbook and FAQs.

Thanks for reading, DCNTRL Community!

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