How Tenicity has helped me provide more effective results by grabbing player’s Attention

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2 min readNov 16, 2016

We are in the business of Sports Consulting and in that, providing valuable Assessments and Corrective measures to our players, are very important. We knew that regardless of how accurate the Assessments may be, if we failed to grab the attention of the players, then we will not able to get optimum results. We realized that providing Customized feedback really helped in grabbing the players’ attention. Customizing the feedback was easily manageable when the number of players were low, but as the number grew, Customizing feedback for each player became increasingly difficult. Tenicity’s platform and specially its “Filter” feature has helped a lot in making sure that the desired quality is maintained. I think that not only Sports consulting companies but all the sports academies might benefit a lot from Tenicity as they scale.

Here is how I use Tenicity for providing customized and effective feedback. Most of my assessments are based on analyzing the player’s practice session Videos. Once we get the videos, we upload them to the player’s profile, then we analyze them, and provide the recommended corrections. We also ask what according to the player are their strengths and weaknesses and then input it on Tenicity dashboard for our records. The next step is to meet the player in person to provide the feedback, however, this may happen the next day of us analyzing the video or even after a week, during which we may have analyzed several other player’s videos. To make sure that the week-long gap or interacting with several other players does not affect the quality, before each meeting we prepare by going through the whole profile of players on Tenicity. As all the data presented to the players is highly customized, the conversations that we have with the players is very interactive and the player becomes open to new ideas and change. During these discussions, the players not only learn about the recommended changes in their techniques but also get insightful lessons, which without the full attention of the players would be really difficult to get.

Sid Karia.

Brief Bio: Sid Karia is the founder of Sporru: Your Sports Guru, which is a sports consultancy currently supporting the development and performance of cricketers in Ahmedabad, India. He is a former cricketer who represented his state and holds an MBA from the F. W. Olin Graduate School of Business at Babson College, U.S.A.




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