ArbiSmart — SCAM Alert

Published in
8 min readMar 15, 2022

“ArbiSmart the platform generates returns from crypto arbitrage, which means that it makes money from the price disparities of a crypto-currency between exchanges. Since price differences occur with equal regularity in a bull or bear market, ArbiSmart provides an excellent hedge against a sudden price drop, as platform users continue to make a consistent passive profit even if the market suddenly crashes.” #cryptonews
But that’s what they want us to believe!

Crypto Arbitrage

Just a quick recap of what Crypto Arbitrage is, I also explain it in detail in another article : Arbitrage

At any time, several crypto exchanges display different prices for their currency pairs. This is because the exchanges are not connected. The buying and selling activity on a particular exchange determines the price of the asset on that platform based on demand and supply. This is where crypto-arbritrage traders make their profits.

For example, Bitcoin could sell for $10,000 on exchange X and $10,100 on exchange Y. This difference between the two exchanges allows a trader to buy Bitcoin on exchange A and sell it on exchange B. This represents a gain of $100 .

But I’ll stop you right there because in practice it’s clearly not as simple as that, there are a lot of factors that come into play such as your own liquidity as well as that of the platform and also various costs such as purchase and transfer fees which in the case of arbitrage can be very high.

As you see, arbitrage, as simple as seem in principle, requires quite a bit of time to ensure its proper functioning. This explains why nowadays there are practically no human traders who carry out these operations on the platforms. Indeed, these tasks are generally entrusted to bots that will react quickly to the slightest price fluctuation and will perform the various steps as quickly as possible to get the largest share of the cake and this is precisely where Arbismart comes in.

A company that offers investors to place their money in euros or crypto on their platform for access to a revolutionary AI to arbitrage on over 35 different platforms that can earn you up to 45% per year on your bitcoin with virtually no risk

I have to say that I am neither shocked or surprised by the famous revolutionary AI, it’s simply a bot just over selling and the 45% per year remains plausible, although in my opinion slightly overvalued, a bit like big cars which is announced at 5 litres per cent in the catalogue, but it’s the wind at your back and in decent. Here it’s the same and almost “no risk”, I find it a bit suspicious and this is clearly the point that makes me laugh the most.

To be able to benefit from the system it will be necessary to pay a minimum of 500 euros. Yes, you heard me right, the entry ticket to benefit from this revolutionary IA is 500 euros, so it’s clearly not accessible to all, but you’re going to think I’m crazy, but it’s not totally illogical.
Why is that? The purpose of arbitrage is to take advantage of the difference in price of a coin between two platforms, to carry out this operation you will have to incur all sorts of costs such as buying and selling costs but also transfer costs which, I remind you, must be higher than normal in order to be the quickest, so you end up with fixed and variable costs and no luck, the fixed costs are the highest.

So you can understand that if you deal with amounts that are too low, the little profit you make will be swallowed up by the transfer fees and you risk not earning anything at all or even losing money.
Imposing a minimum deposit is, in my opinion, logical in the case of arbitrage, and the 500€ does not seem crazy to me when you know that a transaction on bitcoin can quickly exceed 20€, it’s easy to understand that if you play with only 50€ it could become very limiting.

So in the end it sounds like a good plan? Yes, but we need to go one step further.

The entry ticket is 500€, but at 500€ we don’t have much, we even have the bare minimum and the bare minimum is what? it’s a return on investment between 10 and 15%. So 10/15% is already very good, we agree, but it’s still far from the 45%, then I quickly notice that we’re invited to invest more on the platform to climb the ladder of the company.
Arrive here the different levels that Arbismart has set up, the more you invest, the more you will cross some kind of level that will bring you an additional remuneration. It can be observed that it is necessary to invest more than 1 million to have a potential ROI of 45%. I put you below the levels:

Website and company information

So I’m looking for information about the leaders. And here is the little I can find: “The company’s web domain was registered on 23 July 2018. The website does not provide any information about the owners or managers of the company.”

I think it’s a bit of a shame, because when you come up with such a revolutionary AI and platform, I’d like to be highlighted and say that it’s thanks to me that it works.

We continue ! On this logo which is enormously put forward and according to which the platform would be accepted and regulated by the European system. This is the kind of information to put me in confidence and once again, it’s disillusionment, the famous regulation by Europe is in fact carried out by the FIU of Estonia which is known to greatly facilitate access to this kind of title and which has the unfortunate tendency to launder money and promote the development of scam on its soil. So yes, on paper, there is a kind of European regulation, but it is issued by dark institutions that are better known for scams and thefts than for goods made for Europe.

And until a few days ago the logo (on the left) had only 11 stars and not 12 like the European flag. They finally understood the problem and changed the logo.

When you arrive here, you realise that the levels and the remuneration are not great, you know nothing about the manager and the European regulation is to be thrown away.

If you don’t have a million to deposit on the platform, you’d better recruit a lot of people if you want to pass the different levels I mentioned before, but that’s not all, the platform also offers you a bonus if instead of withdrawing your winnings you invest them directly.

And if all that wasn’t enough for you, it’s time for me to finish on a high note! Have I told you about the rbs chip yet?
Hold on to the rate to which rbs is the token house of arbismart this one does not have legal tender because they are available on any traditional platform of exchange and it is thus arbis mark which defines its own value rather practical as system! When you deposit euros or cryptos, they are automatically converted into RBIS tokens which will allow you to have access to the platform.

And of course, the profits you will make thanks to the platform will be transferred to you in RBIS.

In short there is still a lot to say about the platform is here I just expose you certain point, I invite you to go to the official website to judge by yourself.


The company shamelessly displays its “Eu Regulated” badge. We have found nothing substantial to prove their EU regulation, other than the fact that they are registered in Estonia, a country well known for passing off less than legal businesses. Posting a fake registration allows them to offer passive income opportunities and that’s what they do! Furthermore, the “Eu Regulated” logo does not even contain the 12 stars of the European flag.

An MLM company offering a passive investment opportunity constitutes a securities offering, which ArbiSmart is not registered to offer in any jurisdiction. This means that they are operating illegally.

RBIS Token — Another vehicle for the exit scam
The RBIS token is useless as it has no use outside the ArbiSmart ecosystem. And for your information, these tokens can be created on the blockchain in just five minutes.

Advertising for their RBIS token

And if the admins are involved in other similar scams, they will just clone the smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain with a different name.

The cost of generating RBIS tokens and the cost of distributing RBIS tokens as ROI is almost zero. The owners have already generated 450 million tokens and stored them in their wallets. They accept a “liquid” currency — the euro — and, on the other hand, they distribute returns in RBIS tokens, which are useless, abundant and illiquid.

Fraudsters choose the ERC-20 token Ponzi business model because it allows them to create an illusion. Users think they are getting something “valuable” on their side, but in reality, these tokens are just window dressing.

Note: the value of the RBIS token is not based on real supply and demand.

To finish : What I find shameful is that some sites offering news and lots of information on crypto, dare to highlight this platform and its crypto the RBIS. How can they be credible after that, when with a little research you can quickly see the scam!

More Information about me and 10percentminimum

As I try to find good, safe and secure HYIPs, earning at least 10% per month for myself, I try to share these informations with you. Most of the programs are scams but with some investigations and tests, it’s possible to find good programs. We are making a website where we try to put everything about programs that we test, programs that we think are okay and scams to avoid at all cost: 10percentminimum (still in the making)
Because we only use affiliate links of programs in which we have faith, you’ll never find affiliate links on scams. We truly don’t want anyone to lose money on scammers…

You can also check my other articles : about a platform that we validate for the moment or Summit Mining for community mining

Before making any investment, if you plan to, be sure to invest only what you can afford to lose, not more and make your own researches.




Crypto Enthusiast, I’m trying to find the better way to earn passive income. Loving to share my knowledge and experience with you. Independence is ahead of us !