StableONE — Crypto Ponzi Detected

Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2022

Do you know what StableONE is? It is a new HYIP based on Polygon (Matic) with a ROI of 7% daily. As always, you send your money to a Smart Contract and you earn 7% daily and auto reinvest some of the earning. This one is not creating any value, it’s just redistributing the investments of newcomers to early investors: Ponzi Alert!

Stable ROI

No, this is not possible. It doesn’t exist in our reality. This is only something “possible” in people’s minds. Scammers use this to promise stable revenues. There is no more riskier investment than HYIPs.

Safe Smart Contract

This doesn’t mean anything. Yeah, the smart contract is clean. No Rug pull possible, no scam exit. The only end possible is to have the smart contract running out of cash, this is not any better, and you know what? It’s gonna happen soon or later.

One Real Winner, The main Referral

Looking at the code, it’s pretty easy to identify the “king” of the game:

Can you see the “ref” variable, this is our top ref by default. So even if you use the application without referral, there is always one: 0x37a963146A33Ae93DC314461534ef12Dccd2FB32

Currently 37k of value on its account. But guess what? The total income is more than 353 507,5 Matic, with a current value of 692 207$. (These numbers come from the .xls extract, and it all comes from the smart contract, earned through affiliation).

Time to stop

Don’t invest in these HYIPs. The problem is not even the big ROI, the problem is that they promise stable earning AND they create NO VALUE at all. This is enough to identify a scam. Some people will probably earn some money when the majority will lose to the trade. The only one big winner is the “king”, the owner of the dapp and/or the main referral.

This HYIP is not different from the BNBMatrix one:

Look for Added Value Programs

They may not be safe, so better and deeper investigations are required but it’s a good start. By creating value, these programs are less possible to be ponzis BUT they still can be scams.

They often have lower and more unstable ROI.

I hope this can help you identify some signs that should be RED FLAGS when you look at HYIP Investment. I’m also looking at real and stable programs, and while doing my researches and analysis, I try to documentate as much as I can, on Medium, but also on a website I’m currently building:
I’ll probably not find a lot of programs but it can be a very good start to have few but profitable programs!





Entrepreneur, Developer & Investor. Trying to find a way to become financially free with apps, blogs and cryptos