Swapnex.io — What Is The Most Profitable Program?

Published in
7 min readJan 14, 2022

UPDATE: Swapnex has scam exit

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You don’t know what Swapnex.io is? I’ve made a first analysis of the program the 1th of January and I briefly talk about it here.

But to make it short:

Swapnex.io presents itself as an arbitrage platform with automatic trading. For what I’ve observed, I think it’s true but I regret the lack of informations about the teams, ceo, company etc (potential scam so be wary).

So, Swapnex is making money and benefits by selling and buying on different exchanges, at different prices . It doesn’t promise any magic or stable ROI as its performances solely depend on exchanges prices(which is constantly changing). It only guarantee trades, and trades always earn, this is the magic of “arbitrage”.

Because it’s trading crypto between exchange at a short time, it will never make very big trades, but it can makes many small ones (and in fact, I’ve seen very big trades for just an arbitrage bot).

Disclaimer: We are not financial advisors nor Crypto Experts. All opinions shared are from our own experiences and are for educational purposes only. Planning to invest? Invest only what you can afford to lose and also do you own researches. Even if we try our best to get the most information, we cannot guarantee that the programs we share with you will keep working.

The 4 Auto Programs

  • 30 Days — 1 Daily Trade
  • 45 Days — 2 Daily Trades
  • 60 Days — 3 Daily Trades
  • 90 Days — 4 Daily Trades

These programs requires ~50$ minimum to be launched (this vary, depending on the crypto you want to invest)

A trade, according to my results, can go from 0.10% up to 0.80% with trades going mainly around 0.35~0.40% ROI. We will consider 0.35% (At least this is what I’m considering for my own estimation). We will use this base of 0.35% per trade to calculate each program performances.

Let’s consider 0.35% per trade, and an investment of 100 USDT which corresponds to 0.35 USDT per trade. Principal is also returned at the end of each program.

#1. 30 Days Program — 0.35% daily (average)

Some simple maths (I love Maths).

0.35 * 1 = 0.35 USDT
This is your daily earning, because you make only 1 trade per day (0.35% daily).

0.35 * 30 = 10.5 USDT
And this is your 30 Days Program Benefits.

After 30 calendar days, you got 110.5 USDT (100 + 10.5), which is a 10.5% benefits.

ex: By investing 5k, you earn 525.

#2. 45 Days Program — 0.75% daily (average)

0.35 * 2 = 0.75 USDT
Your daily earning is now 0.75 USDT (0.75% daily).

0.75 * 30 = 21 USDT (during the same duration of the program #1)
0.75 * 45 = 33.75 USDT
This is your 45 Days Program Benefits.

After 45 calendar days, you have 133.75 USDT, which is a 33.75% benefits.
Monthly, it corresponds to a 21% profits.

ex: By investing 5k, you earn 1687.5.

#3. 60 Days Program — 1.05% daily (average)

0.35 * 3= 1.05 USDT
Your daily earning is now 1.05 USDT (1.05% daily).

1.05 * 30 = 31.5 USDT (during the same duration of the program #1)
1.05 * 60 = 63 USDT
This is your 60 Days Program Benefits.

After 60 calendar days, you have 163 USDT, which is a 63% benefits.
Monthly, it corresponds to a 31.5% profits.

ex: By investing 5k, you earn 3150.

#4. 90 Days Program — 1.4% daily (average)

0.35 * 4= 1.4 USDT
Your daily earning is now 1.4 USDT (1.4% daily).

1.4 * 30 = 42 USDT (during the same duration of the program #1)
1.4 * 90 = 126 USDT
This is your 90 Days Program Benefits.

After 90 calendar days, you have 226 USDT, which is a 126% benefits.
Monthly, it corresponds to a 42% profits.

ex: By investing 5k, you earn 6300.

So, which program is the safest?

The “Do Not Invest” one.

Joke aside, nothing is truly safe but without any doubt, the 30 days program is the safest. In a month you earn ~10% and have your principal return.

One strategy could be to put some money, letting it grow by 10% with the first program, then withdrawing your principal and let your benefits run on other programs.

Invest 1000 USDT, run the 30 days program, wait 30 days, withdraw your 1000 USDT and run the 90 days programs with your 100 USDT of benefits. You now have nothing to lose as your investment is back and withdrawed.

Which one is the most profitable?

You already know it: The 90 days programs.
This is also the one I personaly use with a 500 USDT investment (and also a 30 days program ending in 2 days).

With its ROI of 1.4% daily (estimated), the program will generate your principal in 72 days. This means that you can withdraw your initial investment in 72 (it’s know safe), you’ll earn 26% more during the 18 remaining days then having your principal returned.

You can now start again by going for the same program with the same amount, or even add your 26% of benefits to the program to earn even more.

FUN PART (For me at least)

What happens if you run the 90 days program 4 times a year (360 days) by being safe?

Let consider that your initial investment is 100 USDT, and you launch your 90 days program at day 1.

Run 1

Day 91, you have 226 USDT. You withdraw your initial investment.
You launch the program again day 92 with 126 USDT.

Run 2

Day 182, you have 252 USDT.
Again, you launch the program day 183.

Run 3

Day 273, you have 643.5 USDT.
And to finish the year, you launch the program day 274.

Run 4

Day 364 (happy new year), you have 1454.4 USDT.

This is a x14.5 multiplicator and your investment is safe. Just for your information, following this strategy without withdrawing at all would results in a x26 multiplicator at the end of the year.

Don’t forget that this is only mathematics, it has no link with the program trustability and stability. Also remember that the percentage used as an example here comes from my own observations of my results.

1.4% estimated daily ROI? What about MY current daily ROI?

As you can see from the screen capture bellow, from the top to the bottom of the picture.

  • I’ve choosen USDT > LTC > USDT OrderBook
  • I’ve deposited 500 USDT and earned 113.12 USDT
  • I’ve created it the 1th of January and it will finish the 1th of April
  • 53 orders has been passed
  • The program is the 90 days program, with 4 daily trades
  • Time remaining until the end of the program: 76 days.

Now let’s do calculate my daily ROI based on theses results:

113.12 USDT of benefits for 53 orders:
113.12 / 53 = 2.13 USDT per order.

One day has 4 orders right?
2.13 * 4 = 8.52 USDT per day

And now, we want to know how much percent does it represent about our initial investment.

8.52 / 500 * 100= 1.7%

Jesus! 1.7 % daily

In fact I’m lying to you. I’ve not been earning 1.4% daily but 1.7%. I have no idea about how long this will goes, if this is normal or not but to be honest, I love it and I really hope that Swapnex is not a scam and that the results it’s showing me are real. I’ll make another analysis at the end of the 90 days, the daily average will be more stable with 360 orders. If you also have results and could share them to me, it would allow me to make better stat! And let me know you want to see my whole results (pages of screenshots).


Here at 10PercentMinimum, we test investment programs > 10% profit per month, share our experiences, informations and analysis with you. Using our affiliation links is the best way to support us and it allows us to hunt more investment programs. When the referral link will be activated, we’ll added you to our referral giveaway list! Once you’re into the referral giveaway list, you can win giveaways just by being in that list!

Swapnex.io is providing a referral program. If you’re interested, let us know and we’ll do an article about it.

If you plan to invest into Swapnex.io, let us know what’s your strategy! And if you don’t have any, well, choose one! And as always, only invest what you can afford to lose, make your own research and be cautious. Nothing is less sure than investments.

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Entrepreneur, Developer & Investor. Trying to find a way to become financially free with apps, blogs and cryptos