Startup Idea Competition

Nurturing early stage startup ideas through friendly competition.

Morgan J. Lopes
2 min readApr 12, 2018


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Our work at Tenrocket puts us in front of a lot of startups, entreprenuers, and founders. Whether a homemade babyfood recipe SAAS product or franchise management software, the range could not be more diverse. Bootstrapped, venture backed, or a business spinoff, the startup ideas come in all shapes and sizes.

With all the buzz and momentum around entrepreneurship today, we still hear a similar expression from most founders, “So…I’ve had this idea for a while”.

Uncertain of the next step necessary to bring an idea or business to life, these thought-filled, creative, eager entreprenuers are waiting months or even years to get started. With such a fast paced environment, many great ideas die on the self due to neglect or someone else making a move.

So, we are launching the Startup Idea Competition. It’s a fully digital event to nurture very-early stage startup ideas. Through friendly competition, with judges, prizes, and a winner, we’re looking to stir up excitement and most importantly… action.

On May 1st 2018, we’ll publish submission details for all who register. Hopeful that this will be the first of many, we’re focusing applicants on a single category: EDUCATION.

Ideas, businesses, or products that advance or support educational efforts. If you or someone you know has been noodling on something with online courses, k-12 programs, leadership development, code schools, training, or more… spread the word and apply here:

Startup Idea Competition Registration

Stay tuned to meet our list of awesome judges.



Morgan J. Lopes

CTO at Fast Company’s World Most Innovative Company (x4). Author of “Code School”, a book to help more people transition into tech.