TensorIoT Mentioned at AWS re:Invent 2020 Eleven Times

TensorIoT Editor
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2021

By: Nicholas Burden, Technical Evangelist - TensorIoT

For Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AWS APN partners like TensorIoT, the annual re:Invent conference is instrumental for showcasing the year’s successes and designations. This year, the conference took a new form, going completely digital to handle the business best practices imposed by the pandemic, and attendees were able to register at no cost. With re:Invent 2020 being completely digital and free, it opened doors for AWS and AWS APN Partners being featured in re:Invent to reach wider audiences around the world. In fact, TensorIoT was able to reach these audiences by being showcased in multiple launches and keynote speaker addresses.

But with hundreds of sessions to choose from and multiple concurrent to one another, there was no way to catch all the action in a single viewing. So to keep you up to date on all of the exciting re:Invent announcements involving TensorIoT, here’s a short list! Stay tuned to this space, where we’ll offer additional explanation about the powerful new features and tools AWS and TensorIoT are bringing to customers like you.

December 2nd — AWS launched Amazon Lookout for Vision with TensorIoT as one of the official launch partners! Amazon Lookout for Vision is a new machine learning (ML) service that allows customers in industrial environments to use computer vision to detect visual defects on production units and equipment in a simple and cost-effective way.

December 2nd — AWS announced their newest product for identity verification and work safety with the launch of Amazon Customer Rekognitition. TensorIoT uses the power of Amazon Rekognition in our SafetyVisor solution for detecting personal protective equipment like gloves, hardhats, and even face masks!

December 3rd — AWS announced the launch of AWS Panorama, a next-generation computer vision (CV) solution, featuring TensorIoT as one of the launch partners! AWS Director of AI Services Mike Miller shared TensorIoT’s work with Parkland Fuels as an example of AWS Panorama in action.

December 3rd — AWS Vice President Sandra Carter announced the launch of the Travel and Hospitality Competency during her AWS Partner Keynote address. TensorIoT was one of a handful of companies to be awarded the new competency, making it TensorIoT’s 5th AWS Competency! The Travel and Hospitality competency is designed to showcase AWS Partners whose work can help drive the next wave of innovation in the travel and hospitality industries as the industry looks to bounce back in 2021.

AWS announced Amazon Lookout for Metrics. During the announcement TensorIoT was listed as a Launch Partner! Amazon Lookout for Metrics is a new method of computer vision anomaly detection with root cause analysis to help keep your processes flowing smoothly and deliver unsurpassed quality.

In addition to all these AWS launches, TensorIoT was also announced as an Amazon Location Service partner at AWS re:Invent 2020! Setting our bar high, TensorIoT also joined Professional Services in AWS Marketplace as a Launch Partner where we announced that TensorIoT will provide solutions in professional services in the AWS Marketplace! It was also an incredible honor to be highlighted as a Key Partner for AWS Industrial for our expertise in helping accelerate industrial customers improve their processes and reduce their time to market.

Finally we are proud to announce that TensorIoT CEO Ravikumar “Ravi” Raghunathan’s talk with Intel discussing SmartInsights, our Intelligent Factory Floor solution, was one of the recorded sessions available during AWS re:Invent 2020! We are excited for all the innovation AWS brings to the table, and looking forward to giving you additional details about how TensorIoT will be making things intelligent in 2021 and beyond!

