Automatic Log pushing From EC2 Instance to S3 bucket Using Lifecycle hook

Deepak Surendran
Tensult Blogs
Published in
6 min readApr 25, 2019

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Auto-Scaling is one of the salient features in AWS, which helps us to scale in and scale out according to our needs. Once an auto Scaling instance has been scaled down, we will lose all the logs which were created inside it. For this purpose, we can use a Lifecycle hook. They enable you to perform custom actions by pausing instances as an Auto Scaling group launches or terminates them. When an instance is paused, it remains in wait state for a certain amount of time until you continue. So here we are utilizing this method to push logs to S3 bucket before termination.


  1. Here we are going to create an SNS topic to receive notifications after backup.
    Create an SNS topic with your Email address to get email notification.
    Note down the SNS ARN for further process.

2. Now we would like to make AWS IAM roles for EC2 Instances and AWS Lambda function, enabling them to run SSM commands and upload files to S3 bucket. Create a custom policy to permit your EC2 Instances and AWS Lambda function to finish Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks and publish to the SNS topic.

Go to the AWS IAM Service page; Select Policies and click on Create Policy; Write the following policy document. Later, give the policy name and create the Policy.

3. Next, we need to create EC2 Instance Role.
Go to IAM service page, select Roles and click on Create New Roles, give the role name and select Amazon EC2 Service and click on Next Step. Add the policies AmazonEC2RoleforSSM .which we created earler , then Create the Role.

4. Now we need to create the IAM Role for AWS Lambda function.
Just go to the IAM service page and Create a New Role, give the Role name and select AWS Lambda Service and Add Amazon SSM Full Access, AWS Lambda Basic Execution Role policies and the Policy which we created earlier and then Create the Role.

5. Now we are going to create the Lifecycle hook.

We can create Lifecycle by AWS Console and AWS CLI method. Here we are creating Lifecycle hook using AWS CLI, Otherwise we can’t create Notification target target arn and role arn. Please use below command (Ref : create Lifecycle hook using AWS CLI.

aws autoscaling put---notification-target-arn arn:aws:sns:region:123456789012:my-sns-topic --role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-notification-rolelifecycle-hook --lifecycle-hook-name my-hook --auto-scaling-group-name my-asg \
--lifecycle-transition autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING

6. Now we are going to create an S3 bucket to store the log files.

7. Create an SSM Document which run on Instances and pushes the logs to S3 bucket.

Go to System Manager Service page and select Documents then click on Create document, enter the document name, Document Type, keep the default Command, Just copy the below JSON code and paste it on content and then Create document.

{"schemaVersion": "1.2","description": "Backup logs to S3","parameters": {"ASGNAME":{"type":"String","description":"Auto Scaling group name"},"LIFECYCLEHOOKNAME":{"type":"String","description":"LIFECYCLEHOOK name"},"BACKUPDIRECTORY":{"type":"String","description":"BACKUPDIRECTORY localtion in server"},"S3BUCKET":{"type":"String","description":"S3BUCKET backup logs"},"SNSTARGET":{"type":"String","description":"SNSTARGET"}},"runtimeConfig": {"aws:runShellScript": {"properties": [{"id": "","runCommand": ["","#!/bin/bash ","INSTANCEID=$(curl","HOOKRESULT='CONTINUE'","REGION=$(curl -s | sed 's/.$//')","dt=*.`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`.log","tf=`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`","MESSAGE=''","","if [ -d \"{{BACKUPDIRECTORY}}\" ];","then","for i in `find \"{{BACKUPDIRECTORY}}\" -name \"$dt\"`; do echo $i; sudo /usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp $i s3://s3bucketname/\"$tf\"/\"$INSTANCEID\"/; done","else"," MESSAGE= \"{{BACKUPDIRECTORY}}\" directory Not exits in this server ","echo $MESSAGE","fi","","/usr/local/bin/aws sns publish --subject ' Report-Logs_backup-{{ASGNAME}} ' --message \"$MESSAGE\"  --target-arn {{SNSTARGET}} --region ${REGION}","/usr/local/bin/aws autoscaling complete-lifecycle-action --lifecycle-hook-name {{LIFECYCLEHOOKNAME}} --auto-scaling-group-name {{ASGNAME}} --lifecycle-action-result ${HOOKRESULT} --instance-id ${INSTANCEID}  --region ${REGION}"]}]}}}

8. Now we need to create the lambda function.

Go to the Lambda page from AWS console, then select create Lambda function, select Author from scratch, give the function name, select runtime as Node.js 8.10. Then click on Create Function. Once it created, paste the below code there:

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const ssm = new AWS.SSM();
const S3_BUCKET = process.env.S3_BUCKET;
const SNS_TARGET = process.env.SNS_TARGET;
const sendCommand = (instanceId, autoScalingGroup, lifecycleHook) => {
var params = {
InstanceIds: [instanceId],
Parameters: {
'ASGNAME': [autoScalingGroup],
'LIFECYCLEHOOKNAME': [lifecycleHook],
TimeoutSeconds: 300
return ssm.sendCommand(params).promise();
exports.handler = async (event) => {
console.log('Received event ', JSON.stringify(event));
try {
const records = event.Records;
if (!records || !records.length) {
for (const record of records) {
if (record.EventSource !== 'aws:sns') {
console.log('Record is not processed because record.EventSource is not aws:sns');
const message = JSON.parse(record.Sns.Message);
if (message.LifecycleTransition !== 'autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING') {
console.log('Record is not processed because message.LifecycleTransition is not autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING');
console.log("processing autoscaling event");
const autoScalingGroup = message.AutoScalingGroupName;
const instanceId = message.EC2InstanceId;
const lifecycleHook = message.LifecycleHookName;
await sendCommand(instanceId, autoScalingGroup, lifecycleHook);
console.log('sent command');
} catch (error) {
throw error;

set below environment variables there, and provide values,


Then save the Lambda function.

9. Now we need to create a CloudWatch event rule to trigger the lambda function. Open the CloudWatch page from AWS console, select Events and click Create Rule, Select Event Source as Auto Scaling choose AWS Lambda function as target and select our AWS Lambda function. Give a name and click on Create Rule.

Everything is set now. Go to the Autoscaling page and change the Desired capacity to 0. So it will mark the Instance for Termination, then lambda function gets triggered by CloudWatch event. Lambda function triggers SSM document and it will send our logs from Instance to S3 bucket.


So today we saw how to send logs to S3 bucket from an AutoScaling EC2 instance before termination. I took advantage of Lifecycle to do this job. Hope this blog was informative for you and if you have any alternate method for doing the same, please ping me in the comment section.

