Automating EC2 Volume Snapshot creation in AWS

Parag Poddar
Tensult Blogs
Published in
4 min readJun 12, 2018

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Hardware failures are very common and specially when we deploy our applications in public cloud environment such as AWS, it is recommended to enable regular and automated backup process to prevent the data loss. In AWS, it is easy to automate the backup process using several built-in services. In this document we are going to show how to setup a fully automated EBS volumes snapshot, using CloudWatch Events and Lambda functions for daily backup.


  • AWS account
  • IAM user of that AWS account (It is best practice for everything to be done by the IAM user, not from root account)
  • IAM user should be authorised to access services for creating this automation task.


In order to take the backup of the volume attached to the EC2 instance, we need to use EBS volume snapshot APIs. AWS recommends to stop the instance (please refer this document) when we take the backup (snapshot) of root volume which holds the boot partition but we can take the backup of other volumes attached directly without stopping the instance. EC2 and EBS services notify the state change events to CloudWatch and we can trigger Lambda functions when such events occur using CloudWatch rules to automate the snapshot process.

How does this automation work?

We are stopping EC2 instance(s) using CloudWatch schedule rule based on a tag key called snapshot. After the instance is stopped, we are creating root volume snapshot of the instance and when root volume snapshot process is completed then we start snapshot process for other attached volume(s) and also we start the instance as we don’t have to wait for other volume(s) snapshot process to be completed.

Create IAM role

Here we are creating IAM role for an AWS service called Lambda. By this role Lambda can access other AWS resources.

Create an IAM role and add this policy into that. To know how to create IAM role and attach policy for a service please refer this blog.

Create Lambda function

Create an AWS Lambda function and place this code into that. While creating lambda function runtime should be Node.js 8.10 and choose previously created role in existing role. To know how to create AWS lambda function refer this blog.

Create CloudWatch event rules

In this automation we will create four Cloudwatch Event rules.

1st rule

Every day at a certain time it will trigger a lambda function to stop EC2 instances.

Steps to create this rule:

  • Go to services → CloudWatch → Rules → click on Create rule .
  • Event Source → choose Schedule → set a cron expression(Eg. `30 20 * * ? * ). For getting help to set cron expression refer this document . → Targets → Select Lambda function → select previously created lambda function → Configure input → choose Constant (JSON text) and put this {“action”:”stopEc2Instances”} on text field → click on Configure details .
  • Give Name which is required, Description is optional, State should be enabled → click on Create rule .

2nd rule

If an EC2 instance is stopped, it will trigger a lambda function to create attached root volume snapshot.

Steps to create this rule:

  • Go to services → CloudWatch → Rules → click on Create rule .
  • Event Source → choose Event Pattern → select EC2 in Service Name , EC2 Instance State-change Notification in Event Type , stopped in Specific state(s) , choose Any instance → Targets → select Lambda function → select previously created lambda function → click on Configure details .
  • Give Name, Description, State should be enabled → click on Create rule .

3rd rule

If an EC2 snapshot is created successfully, it will trigger a lambda function to start the instance and create attached other volume(s) snapshot.

Steps to create this rule:

  • Go to services → CloudWatch → Rules → click on Create rule .
  • Event Source → choose Event Pattern → select EC2 in Service Name , EBS Snapshot Notification in Event Type , createSnapshot in Specific state(s) , succeeded in Specific result(s) choose Any source, Any snapshot ID →Targets → select Lambda function → select previously created lambda function → click on Configure details .
  • Give Name, Description, State should be enabled → click on Create rule .

4th rule

If an EC2 snapshot creation is failed, it will trigger a lambda function to send email to notify about the failure task and start instance.

Steps to create this rule:

  • Go to services → CloudWatch → Rules → click on Create rule .
  • Event Source → choose Event Pattern → select EC2 in Service Name , EBS Snapshot Notification in Event Type , createSnapshot in Specific state(s) , failed in Specific result(s) choose Any source, Any snapshot ID →Targets → select Lambda function → select previously created lambda function → click on Configure details .
  • Give Name, Description, State should be enabled → click on Create rule .

Create Amazon SNS Topic

In this automation, we are using Amazon SNS service for sending email notification if snapshot creation is failed.

Create an Amazon SNS topic and subscribe to that topic by giving an email in endpoint and then confirm your subscription.

Note: You have to add created Topic ARN in lambda function code.

Update: AWS has release a new service called Data Lifecycle Manager which makes it easy to take the volume snapshots.


Now that we have learnt how to create EC2 volume snapshot automatically. How do we restore volume from that snapshot? If you know the solution then post it as a comment on this blog.

And stay tuned, for my next blogs..

