TENX Token: Rinkeby Test Network Launch

Official TenX Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 4, 2019

TenX will be launching and issuing the TENX Tokens in the coming weeks. Prior to launching our much anticipated token on the mainnet, we are initiating a testnet on the Rinkeby Test Network from 4 April 2019 to 24 April 2019 to simulate a mainnet environment in order to stress-test our token features and capture any critical bugs.

The goal of the token testnet is to assess and evaluate the features and mechanics of the TENX Token, including but not limited to the issuance of TENX Tokens and the claiming of TENX Token rewards. Each and every single feature promised is integral to the success of the TENX Token before it goes live on the mainnet.

How to participate in the TENX Token testnet

Interested participants will have to provide us the following details:

  • Full name
  • Email address
  • Ethereum address on the Rinkeby Test Network.

To submit your interest, visit https://tenxsurvey.typeform.com/to/W2TZwW.

Approved participants will receive a random amount of test TENX Tokens on the Rinkeby Test Network. To facilitate testing, TenX will deposit varying amounts of test PAY Tokens into the test TENX Token rewards pool on the Rinkeby Test Network for participants to claim.

We recommend using MetaMask, but participants are encouraged and free to interface in any way they prefer.

To increase participation, we will also offer an accompanying bug bounty program for the TENX Token Claim for any critical issues caught.

Please lodge any issues caught on https://support.tenx.tech/hc/en-us/requests/new under the TENX Token Claim → Token Bugbounty category.

Rinkeby Contract Addresses

  • TENX Token: 0x12525e53a7fB9e072e60062D087b19a05442BD8f
  • PAY Token: 0x37e0a5997b7dC159f1a28Bc5688d5256d6297412
  • Rewards: 0xDE5f761De4384a14128eD8386798a06965B3B512

How to view your test TENX Token balance

To view your test TENX Token balance on MetaMask, select Add Token then Custom Token from the side-menu, input the test TENX Token contract address: 0x12525e53a7fB9e072e60062D087b19a05442BD8f, and click Confirm.

How to view your test TENX Token balance

How to view your test PAY token balance

To view your test PAY Token balance on MetaMask, select Add Token then Custom Token from the side-menu, input the test PAY Token contract address: 0x37e0a5997b7dC159f1a28Bc5688d5256d6297412, and click Confirm.

How to view your test PAY token balance

How to withdraw rewards

To withdraw your rewards balance accrued by your test TENX Token balance, you would have to send 0 ETH to the Rewards contract address at: 0xDE5f761De4384a14128eD8386798a06965B3B512.

On MetaMask, click Send and input 0xDE5f761De4384a14128eD8386798a06965B3B512 as the recipient.

Next, allocate a sufficiently high gas limit (e.g. 50,000) as the Rewards contract performs withdrawal logic, which consumes gas. After you have accepted the MetaMask prompt to confirm the transaction, wait momentarily for the transaction to be mined.

How to withdraw rewards

Note: If your rewards balance is 0, or if you have provided insufficient gas, your transaction will automatically fail.

Rewards schedule

Total rewards deposited over 10 days: 100,000,000 test PAY Tokens

To calculate how many test TENX Tokens are part of the rewards allocation, you may follow this formula:


To calculate how much rewards you are entitled to based on your current test token balance, you may follow this formula:


How to get test Ether on the Rinkeby Test Network

In order to interact with the smart contracts on the Rinkeby Test Network, you will require some amount of test Ether (e.g. paying gas for the various transactions).

You can get some test Ether from the Rinkeby Faucet.

If you have any further questions about TenX please…



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