Blockchain Business Economy Vietnam Summit — 8th December 2018 ( Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)

Terato Global LLC
Published in
5 min readDec 25, 2018

Please note: TERA Tokens are not currently live on any exchange. Beware of scams.

Terato Global LLC Summit on Blockchain Business Economy Vietnam

As it is quite familiar, that many companies been doing research to collect information from many companies, entrepreneurs, programmers and enthusiasts on blockchain adoption in blockchain industry. But what Terato Global L.L.C is trying achieve, is not only to target successful implementation of it’s business model, but special activities of Terato Global L.L.C are to explore, who is currently using the technology, and for what purpose. This work report also entitles the expectations, plans and challenges for future blockchain development in Vietnam.

When we talk about banking system, we are all well familiar, that now a days, what is online payment gateway. However, it’s also known issue, that more transactions are made every single minute, the more costly these systems will be. According to our Top Economist from Canada, Mr. Amir - “In 2014, Banks around the world have collected up to $1.7 trillion USD of transaction fees, which is equivalent to 2% of global GDP”. It is predicted that, by 2025, 10% of GDP (Global Gross Domestic product) will be stored on blockchain. In fact, this is truly an impressive figure projecting the potential of this new technology. Especially in finance industry, just in few years ago, the whole world been amazed by the impact of blockchain. Just like, there was a shock, what internet has done to the media in past 20 years.

This is fact that the people in Vietnam are heading to more technological innovations and current economic circumstances serve as an increasing factor for it. Investors and technical engineers, mostly from the Vietnam, U.S, Canada, Pakistan, Egypt, Middle East and Central Asian countries, who are interested in blockchain and who deal with cryptocurrencies participated in this “Blockchain Business Economy for Vietnam — 8th December 2018” summit. People acknowledged better understanding of Blockchain, the greatest technological and financial revolution of the 21st century, with the expression of expert speakers in the sphere. Thus, “Blockchain Business Economy Vietnam Summit — 8th December 2018” rolled out the distinction of being the largest-scale event of the Vietnam region, ever held in this field. Terato Global LLC have been associating investors, entrepreneurs and professionals for discussing current cryptocurrency market and future blockchain technology impacts.

The Largest International Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Conference in Vietnam


  1. Future of Payments with Cryptocurrencies: Why do Current Banking Solutions Fail
  2. Board Discussion: Will States Make Peace with Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain or will They Struggle Against?
  3. A New era of Individualized Economy: Redefining Human Value
  4. Shifting Away from Centralization: People vs. Power
  5. What are the Investors’ Next Step?: Bitcoin and the Other Cryptocurrencies
  6. Understanding Economic Crises: Blockchain based Economical System
  7. What Terato introducing in Vietnam, to empower economy, blockchain based businesses vs Standard Legacy businesses

It was exciting time at “Blockchain Business Economy Vietnam Summit — 8th December 2018”, with full of activities at our onsite executive management meetings. Terato Global LLC is on fire, and you have heard in summit, what Terato Global LLC has projected the designed Ecosystem architecture, but lot more to come, very soon!

In order to reducing the risk of secondary market, for those who have already purchased TERA Token, we will be generating and distributing tokens as promised. But tokens will not be trade-able until either TERA token is live on the exchanges, or we launch Ecosystem platform. The first thing which is triggered, that Terato Global LLC has enabled is Tera token in your wallet. At this moment, you can send Tera Tokens to another ERC-223 wallet. After this, you will then be able to send them to exchanges, or spend them on the Terato Platform.

We are finalizing our initial exchange placements and are targeting prior 15th January, 2019 for live exchange listings.

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Terato Global LLC

TERATO is a global network of businesses and people connected through AI, Big-Data, IoT, Blockchain.