Jitendra Bhojwani
Published in
6 min readSep 26, 2020


11 different ways AI healthcare can help elderly live a better life

According to a famous saying the real life begins after 50. Many people are indeed able to pay better attention to their own dreams by this age as they are well established and relieved of responsibilities. However, not everyone can realize this dream. Many elderly people are living under substandard conditions. Among others, one of the major reasons behind this is poor physical or mental health. Obviously the role of doctors and certified caregivers is of paramount importance but progressive technology can help them achieve a competitive edge and empower them to provide excellent care.

By wisely utilizing AI the elderly can enhance their life quality while also enjoying better control over their routine. It will also help in enhancing the overall efficiency of old-age care homes. In this blog we are going to discuss some of how AI can bring significant changes in the old age care ecosystem:

Positively transforming life quality of senior citizens

New AI-based applications and robots have a good potential to positively transform the life quality of elderly citizens by making them live a comfortable and independent life. Lack of well-skilled and empathetic caregivers is a major challenge for the care of senior citizens.

Several progressive countries have already started employing AI sensors, robots, and devices to help them enjoy a comfortable and rewarding life. Additionally, it relieves the immediate family members from unnecessary worry and saves neighboring residents from unintentional issues caused due to feeble physical/mental condition of the elderly population.

Combination of machine accuracy and human-like empathy

The combination of a machine-like performance and human-like adaptability enables AI tools to empower senior citizens to live a better life. One of the best examples in this context is Japan. This technically advanced Asian country has been successfully using AI-powered robots to help elderly citizens in their day to day lives right from taking their bath to reminding them f their daily medicines. It not only helps senior citizens enjoy a comfortable life but also saves their family member firm unnecessary worries and stress.

Better recovery probabilities

The advanced monitoring technology, equipped with smarter features will help in improving the resident data collection process. Technologies like voice recognition, nextgen software, sensors, and advanced processing rate will automate the process and provide better health insights. Collectively these factors will enhance diagnostic accuracy and facilitate the rapid recovery process.

Making Community Interaction easier

Community interaction is a potent instrument to keep age-related worries and depression at bay while also continue providing value to society. Chatbots and other interactive software tools help elderly people communicate their needs and ideas with others and thus make them feel connected with (and not isolated from) the society- a very important factor that helps in healthy thinking.

Updates family members about the patient’s condition

Advanced web and mobile-based applications will allow 24 hours of information access and keep family members updated about the changing health conditions and needs of elderly patients. It will help them provide prompt care. It is especially useful for remotely located members. Some applications can also provide video monitoring and real-time hands-free interaction facilities as well.

With the help of smart applications, it would be easier for the family members to know the changing health status and specific needs of the elderly. These advanced tools can work almost independently and provide timely notifications, easy information access, alerts, etc. to keep family members apprised of their elderly members. It is especially useful for the members living far away from the healthcare organizations o the members who are working in other locations.

This round the clock connection access will not only relieve the relatives from worries but also promise the elderly patients that they are always under the loving care of their family. This positive assurance proactively assists in a faster and sustainable recovery process.

Technical struggles replaced with human care

Smart AI technologies will automate the technical processes and relieve healthcare staff of repetitive tasks. It will keep them stress-free and enable them to concentrate better on providing human care to the patient and family rather than struggling with technical devices.

It is equally possible to develop an AI-enabled automated messaging system that can send a personalized message to the members depending upon changing the biological stats of the patient. In simple words, physical distances can no longer be a barrier to human touch.

Turning Elderly into social assets despite of their physical/mental limitations

Lack of social engagement can cause serious mental illness in elderly payment. AI can help here in two ways. First, it will keep healthy elderly people engaged with the community despite their restricted movements to keep mental disorders at bay. Secondly, by encouraging elderly people with mental disorders to keep interacting with the community, the AI will help in preventing worsening or may even reverse the condition to better.

AI chatbots can gradually re-train them to interact socially with confidence and then the smart communication mediums like video calling will allow them to connect with real people and share healthy communication.

More efficient and dedicated staff

AI tools will automate the tedious tasks that will increase staff productivity and enhance their efficiency. The result would be better job satisfaction, career progress, and thus lower attrition rate.

It will save old age homes lots of time and costs associated with frequently recruiting and training the new staff while also helping them to deliver better care through seasoned caregivers.

Wiser way to collect data sans stress

Data collection job loses its importance when the collection process starts tapping more human attention than its utility process and the majority of healthcare organizations are struggling with this issue. With tedious traditional paperwork being replaced with smart automated AI sensors the staff would have more free time and energy to utilize the collected data in the most productive ways.

Likewise, the AI will remove the operational “clogs” from upcoming event notifications, monthly calendar scheduling, and other important circulation. Likewise, NLP enabled digital assistants will empower staff with hands-free preparation of important notes for elderly patients or their guardians just by orally dictating the communication. Removing operational fatigue will encourage staff to come up with more effective and creative communication ideas while improved digitization helps in making communications more interactive and appealing.

By replacing tedious paperwork with smart sensors the data collection process can be made much quicker, better and hassle-free. Staff will be relieved from unnecessary clerical jobs like data entry. It will also digitize the data for easy perusal by healthcare or government organizations.

Accuracy and forecasting

Accuracy and forecasting are among major USPs of healthcare AI. Blending powerful monitoring devices along with smart sensors the AI can offer precise solutions to predict, diagnose, and treat the physical and cognitive issues. Moreover, the real-time communication of stats/situation analysis helps in prompt communication of changing health situation to the family. It will proactively assist in detecting, and minimizing the risk before it assumes a greater proportion.

Better collaboration between different departments

AI systems can easily communicate and integrate to work jointly towards the same goals. For instance, the senior healthcare monitoring tools can work in collaboration with government welfare projects to keep them updated about the most pressing issues and specific assistance required. It will help government organizations to provide personalized care to different patients that assist in faster recovery.



Jitendra Bhojwani
Editor for

Jitendra is a freelance multifaceted writer, a peaceful soul who spends most of his time reading and writing. He aspires to become a worldfamous writer!