Jitendra Bhojwani
Published in
4 min readSep 26, 2020


AI in healthcare: Real life instances to demonstrate its potential- 1

As a pioneer in healthcare technology, AI has achieved a distinguished position. Right from technology companies to public healthcare facilities, a wide array of organizations have been exploring different innovative ways in which healthcare AI can help them resolve crucial issues with high accuracy and minimal efforts. However, it is equally important to confirm the demonstrated success of AI in healthcare transformation. Are there any real-life instances where AI has been able to offer better deliverables than conventional methods?

Sure, there are many such examples. In this blog, we are listing just a few examples of AI bringing more positive outcomes in the healthcare sphere:

Ruling out uncertainties in daily routine

The Cleveland healthcare used Watson Health — a cognitive platform by IBM to prepare a list of patients and recognize the patients who were at higher probabilities to incur expensive hospital bills in the future. This is a major achievement as it will allow the hospitals and patients to take the preventive measures or remain prepared for the situations to avoid of nth time dilemma.

Another institute called MedStar has developed a tool that can enhance the communication efficiency of emergency department professionals. Named Dictation Lens, this tool can sift through loads of clinical notes and other types of unstructured electronic data of patients using NLP (Natural language processing). It can sort this data and extract the most relevant information depending upon the present complaints of patients.

The Present version of the software can come up with the relevant findings in about 10–20 seconds. However, the tool is being constantly upgraded with an objective cut down this time to the minimum. For that, the development company aims to create a model where the crucial data points are made available in advance by combing through Information Lake at the time or ER registration.

Providing immediate deliveries of medical supplies

AI-enabled drones have a very good potential to work as smart defibrillators delivery provider for underserved areas. Nevada State’s Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority for providing defibrillators in the least possible time once 911 calls are received. It will focus on specific types of 911 calls.

These portable laptop-sized (a larger one) drones would be able to deliver various urgent items like telemedicine devices to be used by medical authorities on-site or an antibiotics’ pack. The drones can also play an important role where medical tools and medicines are needed urgently on short notice.

For instance, in some cases, the conventional physical delivery to the point of consumption can take as long as an hour. The AI-enabled drones can cut down this delivery time to just a fraction- less than 5 minutes. These smart portable drones can navigate the location down to the specific place.

Saving huge amount by reducing errors, frauds and anomalies

As a Medicaid and Medicare providing organization the CMS owns a very crucial position in the US healthcare ecosystem. Naturally, the financial magnitude is extremely high and so even small parentage of inaccuracies or fraudulent claims can cost it several billion dollars on annual basis.

Sifting through heavy volumes of claims to review each of them and pinpointing the anomalies/fraud is humanely not possible. AI is capable of solving this issue competently.

For instance SmartDoc is an NCI created system that can smoothly process and accurately classify several million medical records as different types. It can independently detect and pull out just the most crucial information and automatically flags the suspicious-looking records. It thus makes the review process humanely possible enables them to pinpoint specific errors, fraud probabilities, and other inaccuracies with minimal efforts. Using this application with human wisdom can help organizations to save a huge amount every year.



Jitendra Bhojwani
Editor for

Jitendra is a freelance multifaceted writer, a peaceful soul who spends most of his time reading and writing. He aspires to become a worldfamous writer!