Building a resilient Web3 OS for humans and organizations

Published in
4 min readMar 29, 2023

“What the f#ck are you building guys?”

That’s the phrase we’ve heard most in recent months. And we don’t take it the wrong way… From the start, the core team’s strategy has been built on an ambitious approach, blending many features within a single user experience.

How to explain Teritori in a few words:

We’re not building a dApp, we’re building a resilient Web3 OS for humans and organizations, based on a dedicated autonomous network and a multi-chain approach.

Okay, but what are we delivering? It’s time to reveal more information about the state of our development and announce the release of major Teritori features in the coming weeks.

Major announcements and core feature releases:

1. dApp Store

The dApp store is an essential part of Teritori’s vision, as it finally reveals the notion of modularity in the product strategy. This feature allows each user, whether an individual or an organization (DAO or company), to customize their user experience according to their needs.

Example #1: A company wants to use Teritori to create a new showcase within Web3, to sell its products or services, but also to communicate with a diverse Web3 audience.
The company will be able to create a Multisig Wallet, then purchase the Name Service corresponding to its brand, then create a public User Profile that will integrate the modules and dApps that meet its needs. The company could also use the Freelance Marketplace to recruit specific profiles, or the Pathwar dApp to detect very specific smartcontract hackers based on their success and not on a resume.

Example #2: An artist who wants to showcase his music and increase his audience will be able to add in the dApp store dApps like the Social Feed, the Music Player model, but also use the Launchpad to fund his next album via a collection of NFTs.

Note that the first decentralized application integrated in the dApp Store is Osmosis! The most important DEX in the Cosmos ecosystem has been chosen by the Teritori core team to set an example of integration within the OS, and will allow users to exchange directly within Teritori.

2. Social Feed

This feature is major for Teritori as it unveils the notion of a social super-app and creates a social network experience, connected to other features. This experimental feed will be unveiled in Alpha v0.1 as a “Jungle” (unmoderated) mode at first, and will integrate various features:

  • Normal posts.
  • Articles (very comparable to Medium, but in a decentralized way).
  • Files and contents (Images, Video, Audio…).
  • Tips! (Currently in $TORI) allowing to receive funds on the basis of a simple post, and thus to fluidify the support to content creators, or to use the feed as a minimalist crowdfunding.
  • AI integration! We’ll keep this feature secret for now and let the community discover it as an easter egg ;)

We will later deploy:

  • Gnoland network support (in test in a few months).
  • The experimentation of a Moderation DAO with the Tori Watch project.
  • The experimentation of a Decentralized Ads Manager.

Finally, April will see the release of other key features that have not yet been announced, but are important elements of the interactions between features:

  • Multisig Wallet (available for multiple Cosmos Chains, allowing users to use the Teritori features as a Multisig DAO).
  • Freelance Marketplace, allowing users and companies to hire talent (design, development, etc.) in a decentralized way.
  • The R!ot P2E for our Ethereum NFT holders who have been patiently waiting since the mint started.
  • The R!ot P2E v2, which will enrich the experience of this very specific collection for Teritori (first collection of the network!) and will give more and more power to this community of early-adopters while allowing for a community growth with new mechanisms.

Under the hood

In the background, the core team has started working on different important verticals in Teritori development, in order to prepare the ground for different features:

  • Development of Contract Realms on Gnolang.
  • Research and development on the future of decentralized organizations (Liquid Democracies & Decentralized Cooperatives).
  • Mobile versions (iOS & Android).
  • Desktop version (Windows, Mac, Linux).
  • B2B user experience, allowing companies to build their own “Factori”.
  • Pathwar platform, allowing students to learn cybersecurity and hacking in a secure environment, with various Web2 and Web3 challenges (smartcontracts Solidity, CosmWasm, Gnolang) and receive rewards & bounties to learn!
  • Theme Generation, allowing users to generate Customized UI Themes and sell it to community!
  • P2P Chats, using WeshProtocol allowing offline communications with proximity drivers (Bluetooth & WIFI).

We hope the community is ready for the next few months, as our team has never been more determined!

There will also be several major announcements over the next few months through the summer, thanks to the support of many partners who are currently joining us in this exciting experimental adventure.

Thank you all for your support!
Let’s build together!

