Introducing Teritori, the open ecosystem for Web3 communities⛩️

Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2022

Our mission

Teritori is built to enhance Web3 individuals, communities & builders experience through an all-in-one hub of dApps.

A few challenges we want to address are:

  • Allowing Web3 users to rely on decentralized tools rather than staying on their Web2 counterparts.
  • Gathering all the features one would need to affirm his identity, connect with others, build a project and grow a community.
  • Offering all the tools a DAO would need to operate and develop itself.
  • Connecting communities from IBC blockchains as well as other networks to provide a seamless multi chain experience.

We believe Web3 tribes’ best interest is in concentrating knowledge, toolings and efforts to build more, faster.

State of the art

The past bullrun has put a lot of visibility on the Web3 ecosystems and attracted new users.

This allowed talented teams to be rewarded for their hard work, creative projects to skyrocket and new people to join the space. Nevertheless, it also emphasized a multitude of issues that can now be addressed as the fever has fallen:

  • For instance, most of the tools Web3 people use on a daily basis are centralized and this has led to censorship and security issues.
  • Protecting your Web3 identity & reputation has become crucial as most of our interactions are motivated by social proof and scammers have been more active than ever during the last bullrun.
  • Future proofness and transparency have become key to build a reliable way of communicating and trading NFTs & services, especially in this ever changing times.
  • Finally, more than ever builders must be at the forefront of the ecosystem to strengthen the space and attract more and more users. It’s mandatory for them to be able to access the best tools available and connect to keep on building.

These considerations are food for thoughts that we use to build Teritori to try improving what we can in collaboration with the space communities & builders.

What’s next?

The journey is just getting started and we are working on delivering a testnet to onboard validators as well as launching a first version of Teritori hub.

🧡 You want to help?

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