Core team lead thoughts and Teritori — Q3 Report

Published in
9 min readNov 13, 2023

Hi there,

I am writing to provide a detailed report on the latest developments of Teritori core. We recently hit a milestone of 50,000 registered users with 5,000 of them being active. This achievement is particularly significant as we have yet to implement a marketing strategy and are solely dedicating our resources to development.

I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who has been promoting our work. Thank you for your support.


So, since we’re at the end of october, I just wanted to sum-up our current works at Teritori core team, to give as much visibility and transparency on development status.

Over the last few months, we’ve been focusing our energies on a number of important features in the development of the Teritori operating system, and its multichain approach.

Teritori OS — Q3 Development Report:

Multisig v0.1 :

What is a Multisig Wallet?

A Multisig wallet is a wallet managed by multiple addresses, and cannot be used by a single person without the signature of the others. This is particularly useful in the case of a social group, organization, company, or even a group of friends, who can thus manage funds together, and ensure that none of the members can spend the money without the agreement of the others.

Every interactions with the blockchain will always requier validation of others members of the multisig.

Example of settings: Multisig can requier 3 confirmation signatures on a 5 members multisig.

It’s also useful as a security process for an individual, since it is potentially more difficult to hack several private keys than a single one.

It’s now available here:

It is compatible with most of Cosmos chains (registred in Chain registry), and is provided for free to the ecosystem.

We are making this tool available to all compatible chains in this registry for free, because we believe Cosmos ecosystem need it.

But we don’t discount adding extra features in the future; adding revenue to TORI stakers.

We’ll be making gradual improvements over the coming year.

📹 Here is a quick demo video and announcement.

The R!OT on EVM:

You already know that we have had a long delay in the development of the EVM versions of our game The RIOT. We made our best, and team is sorry to be late on this delivery, but these delays were unfortunately necessary strategic choices because we were too dependent on different technical challenges to deliver quickly.

We have now completed this step, and the game should be available within 1 week on the Polygon network in Teritori OS.

Our team has already started working on the next version, because we believe it is important to deliver a much more complete and exciting gaming experience than a simple staking-based Play2Earn. We therefore began experimental work on a game based entirely on Skill2Earn logic, and with a much more sustainable economic model. This work will be revealed once we have a stable version, and we can open a demo phase.

In-app Notifications:

We’re currently building the notifications that will allow any user logging into Teritori OS to see at a glance all the activities that took place while they were away. Namely, for example: reactions and comments on his posts in the social feed, sales or offers on his NFTs, new proposals in his DAOs, or in his Multisigs, etc.

For developers, feel free to analyse our works here: 🧰

Music Player v0.1:

This feature has been eagerly awaited by many musicians and electronic music producers in the community. It will enable artists to publish their music on their profile, and make their music freely available, in a censorship-resistant way. This version v0.1 will allow users to receive tips, create albums and listen to music using Teritori. In the long term, we want to develop an ecosystem of smartcontracts enabling artists to create a paying community that can support their creations, and at the same time invest in the success of the artists they support. The artist ‘Jimmy Cosmos’ (best known for his last 3 albums featuring the Cosmos ecosystem) has already announced his intention to use Teritori for the future of his musical project. He is already working on a new album, scheduled for 2024, dedicated to Teritori.

For developers, feel free to analyse our works here: 🧰

Video Player v0.1:

Very similar to Music Player’s functionality, this video player could be considered a copy cat of Youtube, but fully decentralized (using IPFS). By default, it will therefore enable censorship-resistant distribution of video content. Creators will be able to receive tips, and gradually build up a token-gated community with which to create long-term projects. Another feature we have in mind is the possibility of pre-financing a project (short film, documentary, various creations…) via a form of launchpad dedicated to video (and also to music albums). Reflections on these subjects are supported by the Samouraï Coop production company, which has been recognized since 2016 for producing a wide range of content for Web3 projects. They will be among the first producers to broadcast their content, and to experiment with this v0.1 version, notably by broadcasting their short and feature-length films for free to the community.

For developers, feel free to analyse our works here: 🧰

Gnolang R&D Works

As you probably know, 4 of our members are involved in the development of the new Gnolang technical stack, based on Go (a high performance language developed by Google), created by Jae Kwon, founder of Cosmos and Tendermint.

This exciting adventure is an opportunity to create new standards on a language currently under development, and contribute to build tools for developers to be easily onboarded in the future. To date, our work is summarized as follows:

  • Development of DAO standards realms
  • Development of a DAO Moderation module to decentralize the moderation of a social feed and a forum
  • Integration of the Gno Social feed on Teritori (available on the GnoTeritori testnet)
  • Development of a DAO Deployer allowing you to deploy a DAO in a few clicks on Gnotestnet.


Then, we now begin new works for upcoming 2 to 3 months:

🧰 Last Update:

To dive more into our work within Gnoland, find our full development reports here:

Finally, I just came back in France after 10-days strategy session with the Gnoland core team in US, and it was really awesome. We have been meeting, brainstorming and working on several topics related the Gnoland mainnet launch (date is still undefined). Meeting all these awesome engineers and humans from all over the world again was truly exciting, intellectually stimulating, and inspires many future prospects for onboarding millions of developers on Gnoland technology. A special mention to the Onblocs team (developing the Adena wallet,, and Gnoswap), who traveled from Korea, and with whom the Teritori team forms a special and fraternal bond!

📖 Here find more details on the official Gnoland Blog!

Desktop & Mobile v0.1

We’re hard at work preparing the Mobile and Desktop v0.1 versions, scheduled for Q1 2024. This work is particularly complex, representing technical challenges at various levels (integration of a mobile ipfs node enabling decentralized chat and off-line discussions, wallet integration in mobile versions, etc.). We’re making slow progress towards a stable version that will be available for testing by whitelisted users in December. This private version will obviously be full of interface bugs, and probably unstable, but this stage of testing with our early supporters is important for gathering feedback. If you want to join the testing adventure of Messenger v0.1 Early testers Whitelist, here is the secret door.

Parallel works:

Candidate to other ecosystems Grants:

Since Teritori core team is building several features for Public Goods on various networks (IBC, EVM, etc.), we’re now starting discussions with ecosystems that could be interested to support our OS development funding and be integrated into Teritori.

Improving Teritori Visibility:

A monthly newsletter to highlight Teritori OS updates for all partners, investors, media, press, and general public. Started discussions with Exchanges, and prepare listing strategy for 2024.

Development Tracking:

#dev-tracker channel on Discord now allow live tracking of Teritori core development, in a transparent “Build in public” philosophy.

Real World Assets Investments:

Our team spent 3 months with a french major law firm to study and prepare legal frameworks regarding Real World Assets investments. Our goal is to be able to provide a RWA investment feature directly in Teritori. This feature will be probably launched in a private B2B, and France focused approach first, before going public. It’s still too early to communicate, since we’re already designing the plan, and studying all options.

Teritori Grants Program :

We are now open to provide Grants for external teams and developers that would like to provide dApps, Games, or features to the Teritori community. If you’re developer, feel free to post any ideas and detailed proposals on the Teritori Social feed, then even community could give feedback. This is a call for all developers that want to build some dApps, features and contribute to Teritori OS!

Conclusion of Q3&Q4 2023:

In the current state of our development, we consider that we are still in Alpha version, and many things still need to be improved. We work hard to prioritize each need as efficiently as possible, and make our small team have big impacts.

Personally, I think that we will enter a particularly exciting new phase soon, particularly in Q1 2024, since we will have delivered most of the infrastructure functionalities, and will be able to concentrate our development on:

  • applications and games internal to Teritori, that could bring new incomes both to the protocol itself and to the core team.
  • functionality and features improvements v0.1
  • integrations of new networks, allowing us to establish our position as an operating system belonging to its community
  • the integration of income for the protocol, through yield and staking rewards which buy back and burn the TORI token perpetually.

I would like to add that our team fought throughout the bear market without worrying about the price of the token, and that we will continue to work in the same way whatever the outcome of the coming months. We continue to try to listen as closely as possible to our community, and your feedback is valuable. Thank you to those who take the time to provide constructive feedback, help us promote our vision, long term philosophy, and support us in any way. Our emerging community is slowly purifying and consolidating, and we take pleasure in being at your service. We’re not building Teritori for Web3 nerds, we’re building for all. Let’s build together.

Thanks for reading,

zôÖma Core team lead @ Teritori

