A round-up from our blog

TerminusDB Community
3 min readMay 16, 2023

Here are some stories from our blog that we haven’t posted on Medium.

Photo by Josh Rakower on Unsplash

Shifting Mindset: From Big Data to Good Data — Prioritizing Quality over Quantity

Synopsis: This article highlights the importance of shifting from a focus on big data to prioritizing good data. Emphasizing accuracy, consistency, relevance, and timeliness, it explains how good data enables informed decision-making and drives business success. It also discusses the risks of solely relying on big data, such as increased complexity, incomplete data, and biased analysis. The article calls for business leaders to take responsibility, understand business goals, and prioritize good data to make better-informed decisions.

Good data rather than big data

TerminusCMS Database Collaboration: Empowering Developers and End-Users

Synopsis: Discover how TerminusCMS is revolutionizing database collaboration with enhanced features that prioritize flexibility and collaboration. By utilizing branches and change request workflows, developers and end-users can efficiently manage data and content changes while keeping humans in the loop. From managing complex supply chains and ensuring regulatory compliance to empowering research teams and enhancing application features, TerminusCMS offers a powerful platform for accurate, reproducible, and collaborative data management. Whether you’re a developer, compliance professional, researcher, or app creator, TerminusCMS’ database collaboration capabilities can transform the way you work.

Database Collaboration

Unleash the Power of Headless CMS: Managing Your SBOM

Synopsis: Discover how a headless content management system (CMS) can transform the way you manage your software bill of materials (SBOM). This blog explores the importance of SBOMs for businesses, their role in compliance and risk management, and their impact on supply chain relationships and product development. Learn how a headless CMS empowers you to efficiently create, maintain, and utilize your SBOM by providing a centralized platform, automated data collection, task management applications, and customer service support. With a focus on TerminusCMS, explore its graph data structure, flexible schema modeling, change request workflows, and powerful query capabilities. Stay ahead of the curve, embrace SBOMs, and leverage the benefits they offer in terms of security, compliance, and innovation. Let a headless CMS propel your business to new heights.

Manage your SBOM with a Headless CMS

Revolutionize Your Data Management: The Power of Content Moderation at the Data Layer

Synopsis: Explore the game-changing capabilities of TerminusCMS, a content management system designed to elevate data and content moderation to new heights. This blog delves into the significance of change request workflows at the data layer and why they are essential for critical business functions like forecasting, product testing, and regulatory compliance. Discover how TerminusCMS’s advanced features, including immutable data, version control, and collaboration, provide unparalleled accuracy, accountability, and transparency. Learn why content moderation at the data layer is crucial for maintaining data integrity, streamlining workflows, and ensuring regulatory compliance. Unleash the potential of TerminusCMS and revolutionize your organization’s data management.

Content Moderation at the Data Layer

TerminusCMS Shorts

We’ve been putting together a playlist of videos covering some of TerminusCMS’ features in bite-sized chunks.

We’ve included the playlist below, there are six videos at the moment -

1 — Overview
2 — Back link queries using GraphQL
3 — Database-driven change request workflows for the front end
4 — Hiding your databases past with squash and clone
5 — Team, user and project management with the TerminusCMS Dashboard
6 — Change request workflows



TerminusDB Community

I'm Oliver and I'm a content creator. In my spare time I like to write, I have a book available on Amazon for anyone who enjoys zombies- From Despair to Where