My First TerminusDB 2.0 Graph

Luke Feeney
TerminusDB Community


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In this tutorial, we will start using TerminusDB 2.0, TerminusDB Console and its query client — WOQLjs. This is a step-by-step guide to create your first knowledge graph.

We’re assuming you already have TerminusDB installed, but if you haven’t go to our quick start installation guide. It’s very easy to get started.

In this tutorial, we are going to import data from CSVs about bike journeys between stations in Washington D.C., USA, build a knowledge graph from the data, analyse and visualise it. The data is taken from Capital Bike Share (available here — thanks folks) and the CSV data used this tutorial is available at

Create a Database

Open up the Terminus DB console ( default: http://localhost:6363/console ). Click on Create New Database to start with.

Then click Create Local Database

You have to specify an id for the database, to make it memorable, let’s make it 1stdb (note that Terminus’ IDs are URLs and they cannot have spaces). As a title, enter the name you want to give your Database, something meaningful like My First Database. Then you can add a short description to your database, like It is my first database using TerminusDB 2.0.

Click ‘Create New Database’

Click the Create New Database button at the top right, and you’ll automatically go to the main database page. Something like this:

My First Database

Let’s Create a Schema

The schema allows you to organise data into meaningful objects, and it ensures data integrity — nothing goes into your database that is not in the schema. This is a TerminusDB super power — and ensures you derive long term value from your data.

The TerminusDB Console provides a schema editor using WOQL.js. Remaining on the query page, copy this WOQL.js query into the text box:

.label("Bike Station")
.description("A station where bicycles are deposited"),
.property("start_station", "Station")
.label("Start Station")
.property("end_station", "Station")
.label("End Station")
.property("duration", "integer")
.label("Journey Duration")
.property("start_time", "dateTime")
.label("Time Started")
.property("end_time", "dateTime")
.label("Time Ended")
.property("journey_bicycle", "Bicycle")
.label("Bicycle Used")

add a commit message in the box below (e.g. “creating schema”) and click Run Query

Let’s stop to review this schema-building WOQL query:

We perform all operations within the and.

So here’s the operations we have performed:

  1. We created three different document types (given by the doctype function): Station , Journey and Bicycle
  2. We added label (names) or description (short descriptions) to them.
  3. We created properties for Journey, we do that by using the property function after Journey with the first argument as the name of the property and the second argument as the type (or range) of the property.
  4. For each property, you have to provide an id and the type of that property in property, as with class you can add a label to it as well.

Let’s Load in the Data

Now let’s get to the good part. We’ll now load the data from the CSV. We’re going to progressively extend the query to import the data, cleaning it and matching it as we go. WOQL is a highly composable language, you can combine queries arbitrarily using logical ANDs and ORs.

Let’s build the next query in steps and only hit Run Query at the end of the query (full query is available at the bottom of the section)

Go back to the Query page, and copy in the following query:

//Read data from CSV
const csv = WOQL.get("Start station","v:Start_Station")
.as("End station", "v:End_Station")
.as("Start date", "v:Start_Time")
.as("End date", "v:End_Time")
.as("Duration", "v:Duration")
.as("Start station number", "v:Start_ID")
.as("End station number", "v:End_ID")
.as("Bike number", "v:Bike")
.as("Member type", "v:Member_Type")
//Transform data into correct shape for insert
const wrangles = [
WOQL.typecast("v:Duration", "xsd:integer", "v:Duration_Cast"),
WOQL.typecast("v:Bike", "xsd:string", "v:Bike_Label"),
WOQL.typecast("v:Start_Time", "xsd:dateTime", "v:ST_Cast"),
WOQL.typecast("v:End_Time", "xsd:dateTime", "v:ET_Cast"),
WOQL.typecast("v:Start_Station", "xsd:string", "v:SS_Label"),
WOQL.typecast("v:End_Station", "xsd:string", "v:ES_Label"),
WOQL.idgen("doc:Bicycle",["v:Bike_Label"],"v:Bike_URL"), WOQL.concat("v:Start_ID - v:End_ID @ v:Start_Time","v:J_Label"),
WOQL.concat("Bike v:Bike from v:Start_Station to v:End_Station at v:Start_Time until v:End_Time","v:Journey_Description")
//Combine with logical and
WOQL.and(csv, ...wrangles)

If we hit Run Query for this section and you should see the following in the Results Viewer tab:

Click on the table drop down menu in the top left of the results and switch to graph view:

Now you can see your results in graph form.

We’ll explain each of the steps in the query in turn. As a first step, we saved the part of the query that imports the data from CSV in a const variable named csv. Then we create a list of WOQL operators and save it in another constvariable called wrangles, we combine the two parts of the query with a WOQL.and operator.

The wrangles clause uses 3 WOQL functions to transform the data into the correct form for input. In each case, the function creates a new variable as output — the last argument in each case. The idgen function generates IDs for our three document types Journey, Station, and Bicycle. The first argument is the prefix that will be used, the second is a list of variables which combine to give a unique identity for the id. For example, in Journey we use 3 fields in the csv (Start_ID, Start_Time and Bike) to generate a unique id Journey_ID.

Besides generating IDs, we also create new fields with new data types, for example, we use typecast to cast Duration into integer and store it as Duration_Cast. We can also use concat to contract new text formatted with variables in the fields — for example, to create Journey_Label.

We’ll insert them in the graph by adding triples. Triples are the atomic data entity in the RDF data model. We add the following to the query:

const inputs = WOQL.and(csv, ...wrangles)
const inserts = WOQL.and(
WOQL.insert("v:Journey_ID", "Journey")
.property("start_time", "v:ST_Cast")
.property("end_time", "v:ET_Cast")
.property("duration", "v:Duration_Cast")
.property("start_station", "v:Start_Station_URL")
.property("end_station", "v:End_Station_URL")
.property("journey_bicycle", "v:Bike_URL"),
WOQL.insert("v:Start_Station_URL", "Station")
WOQL.insert("v:End_Station_URL", "Station")
WOQL.insert("v:Bike_URL", "Bicycle")

This is the clause that actually inserts the data into the structure that we defined on our schema.

  • The insert function inserts a new node into the database with the id Journey_ID and type Journey we add properties like start_time, end_time, duration, start_station, end_station and label and put the variables produced above in their correct spots.
  • For Start_Station_URL, End_Station_URL and Bike_URL, we assign a type and label for each of them.

Finally, we have to put all of the above together and create the query that reads the data from the csv, do the data wrangling and add them in the graph as triples. We add this to complete the query:

WOQL.and(inputs, inserts);

write some commit message again (e.g. “inserting data”) and click Run Query. Remember, this is getting the data in to our graph so you won’t have a query output just yet. It should look something like this:

The full query in all it’s glory and in easy to copy format:

const csv = WOQL.get("Start station","v:Start_Station")
.as("End station", "v:End_Station")
.as("Start date", "v:Start_Time")
.as("End date", "v:End_Time")
.as("Duration", "v:Duration")
.as("Start station number", "v:Start_ID")
.as("End station number", "v:End_ID")
.as("Bike number", "v:Bike")
.as("Member type", "v:Member_Type")
//Clean data for insert
const wrangles = [
WOQL.typecast("v:Duration", "xsd:integer", "v:Duration_Cast"),
WOQL.typecast("v:Bike", "xsd:string", "v:Bike_Label"),
WOQL.typecast("v:Start_Time", "xsd:dateTime", "v:ST_Cast"),
WOQL.typecast("v:End_Time", "xsd:dateTime", "v:ET_Cast"),
WOQL.typecast("v:Start_Station", "xsd:string", "v:SS_Label"),
WOQL.typecast("v:End_Station", "xsd:string", "v:ES_Label"),
WOQL.idgen("doc:Bicycle",["v:Bike_Label"],"v:Bike_URL"), WOQL.concat("v:Start_ID - v:End_ID @ v:Start_Time","v:J_Label"),
WOQL.concat("Bike v:Bike from v:Start_Station to v:End_Station at v:Start_Time until v:End_Time","v:Journey_Description")
//combine inputs
const inputs = WOQL.and(csv, ...wrangles)
//generate data to be inserted
const inserts = WOQL.and(
WOQL.insert("v:Journey_ID", "Journey")
.property("start_time", "v:ST_Cast")
.property("end_time", "v:ET_Cast")
.property("duration", "v:Duration_Cast")
.property("start_station", "v:Start_Station_URL")
.property("end_station", "v:End_Station_URL")
.property("journey_bicycle", "v:Bike_URL"),
WOQL.insert("v:Start_Station_URL", "Station")
WOQL.insert("v:End_Station_URL", "Station")
WOQL.insert("v:Bike_URL", "Bicycle")
//Combine inputs and inserts with when clause
WOQL.and(inputs, inserts);

don’t forget to put in the commit message, then click Run Query.

Query The Data

Back to the query page — again input into the WOQL.js query builder:"v:Start", "v:Start_Label", "v:End", "v:End_Label").and(
WOQL.triple("v:Journey", "type", "scm:Journey"),
WOQL.triple("v:Journey", "start_station", "v:Start"),
WOQL.opt().triple("v:Start", "label", "v:Start_Label"),
WOQL.triple("v:Journey", "end_station", "v:End"),
WOQL.opt().triple("v:End", "label", "v:End_Label"),
WOQL.triple("v:Journey", "journey_bicycle", "v:Bike")

Click on Run Query and you should see the query returning a table:

Here we used select to filter out the variables (those starting with v:) that appear in our output. Then we used and to link all the conditions we want to include, as you can see there are lot’s of triples to be conditioned. The ones with opt() means that they are optional — it will be ignored if that data is missing (instead of returning an error — very handy).

The query can be translated as below:

  1. select all the Journeys
  2. and all the start_stations of all the Journeys (let’s call them Start)
  3. and, if any, all the labels of the start_stations (let’s call them Start_Label)
  4. and all the end_stations of all the Journeys (let’s call them End)
  5. and, if any, all the labels of the end_stations (let’s call them End_Label)
  6. and all the journey_bicycles of all the Journeys (let’s call them Bike)

We can click the table drop down menu in the top right and get a graph view of the results:

Graph View

You can experiment with the query to find different things in the data.

