TerminusDB — the database for data people.

Luke Feeney
TerminusDB Community
2 min readOct 1, 2019

TerminusDB is open source now and forever. We are releasing with the GPL V3 licence.

The development of Terminus has been a nine-year labour of love, devotion, frustration and pain. You can imagine how delighted we are to release TerminusDB to the world.

We have designed TerminusDB for the web age. We wanted to make something that greatly reduced the time and effort required to build any application that shares, manipulates or edits data. TerminusDB is a unified model database; it has the most desirable features of graph, semantic, document and time-series database alternatives. With WOQL, the model aware query language, Terminus allows you to query your data flexibly and quickly.

We hope that TerminusDB will make the life of anybody who cares about data — and particularly the long term value of well curated data — much easier.

The core team will be working on improving Terminus over the coming months, years and decades. We hope you’ll join us on this journey as a user, contributor or enthusiast. The database of the future needs you — join the data-centric revolution!

Download at terminusdb.com

(We live for GitHub stars, so please go and star Terminus: https://github.com/terminusdb/terminus-server)

