VectorLink Semantic Indexer Released

TerminusDB Community
1 min readJul 7, 2023

If you read the blog about how we built our Vector Database in Rust to make use of vector embeddings to give us semantic tools for our data and content management platform TerminusCMS, you may be interested to hear that VectorLink is now out in the wild.

A screenshot of VectorLink inside TerminusCMS. It shows the combination of GraphQL and a Handlebars template to generate high-quality text embeddings

Here are some useful links to get more information -

VectorLink Semantic Indexer Overview

More information about its uses can be found here -

Semantic search

Entity resolution

Data and content clustering

Want to give it a try? Sign up to TerminusCMS for free and have a play.

VectorLink Summary

VectorLink is a vector database that works with TerminusCMS. Using a combination of GraphQL and Handlebars templates to generate high-quality text embeddings. When an index request is made, the documents in your database are sent to OpenAI and returned as float vectors. This provides a range of semantic tools to use with your document-graph data. Simply ask the semantic index server questions to uncover new means about your data.

Future Plans

VectorLink is available now in TerminusCMS, but we plan to open-source it and make it available with TerminusDB. We also hope to give users the option to work with other LLMs.



TerminusDB Community

I'm Oliver and I'm a content creator. In my spare time I like to write, I have a book available on Amazon for anyone who enjoys zombies- From Despair to Where