Ternion Exchange
Published in
1 min readJan 15, 2020


About 10.7 million bitcoins haven’t moved from one wallet to another more than 12 months, “Digital Assets Data” informs. This is around 60% of all Bitcoins issued, and it’s the highest number since 2017. Even with such, mostly dormant, activity, Bitcoin doubled in price last year, reaching as high as $13.000 in first half of 2019 from initial $3500, and trading around $7000 in the end of the year. Therefore, price of Bitcoin will likely rise, being mostly seen as longterm investment asset.
Ternion team is glad to see Bitcoin’s remaining prominency despite fluctuations. We have positive expectations of Bitcoin growth in 2020, and we are welcoming potential investors to our platform, where we keep minimum margin requirements stable at $100 for 1 BTC.



Ternion Exchange
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Ternion is a Comprehensive Trading Solution for the Individual Cryptocurrency Trader, Providing Crypto-to-Fiat, Fiat-to-Crypto, and Crypto-to-Crypto Trading