Ternion Exchange
Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2018


Market Opportunities for the Ternion Product

It’s Time to Lead, Not to Follow

The Cryptocurrency market lacks a player who understands the importance of the foundation that the traditional financial system is built upon.

The market of cryptofinance is only forming. While players are figuring out the rules, it is a law of a jungle. However, not all the players have feasible opportunities to become kings of the jungle. National governments play a catch-up game and are weak in regulating the Cryptocurrency market. Although it is hard to calculate and to predict the future of cryptofinance, one thing is for sure: the future is coming and it demands us to set the rules and standards high.

Ternion offers a product that is based on a highly efficient triad ecosystem that offers protection, reliability and long-term utility. Our ecosystem consists of the three pillars: a regulated by the Estonian legislation Crypto/Fiat and Crypto/Crypto Exchange, a user-friendly payment system and a liquidity fund that supports the production of tokens and is a backbone of the other two components of the system.

We respect market forces and understand the need for regulations. At Ternion, we know that advantages of the traditional financial system matter. Market needs a leader, who is committed to transparency and bringing benefit to all the parties involved.

There is a demand in the market for a suitable virtual currency that Ternion can meet. Market needs a fast trade execution that the Ternion Exchange together with the Ternion Payment System can offer. Market needs stability and protection against inflation and depreciation of cryptocurrency, and the Ternion Liquidity Fund can ensure that.

We do our research, so you won’t have to. We understand the market: we see what and who it misses. We understand that both the traditional and cryptocurrency sphere need to be unified — to produce a stronger future. Christine Lagarde, a managing director of the IMF, said that, “Countries with weak institutions and unstable national currencies may see growing use of [cryptocurrency].” We are focused on making cryptocurrency beneficial to everyone –from private contributors to countries and national governments in debts. Only a player, who has an efficient and strong enough product, who is not blindsided by short-term gains that cryptocurrency can bring, is a fit to become the leader of the emerging market of cryptocurrency.

Ternion can navigate rough waters of the market and set the right course for the newcomers.

The question is: are you going to participate or stand by? At Ternion, it’s not even a question: we know that the best way to predict the future is to invent it.

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Ternion Exchange
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Ternion is a Comprehensive Trading Solution for the Individual Cryptocurrency Trader, Providing Crypto-to-Fiat, Fiat-to-Crypto, and Crypto-to-Crypto Trading