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Ternion Exchange
Published in
2 min readJun 30, 2018

Ternion launches an eBook, Strategic Thinking of an Exchange.

What does it take to launch a successful exchange? You need to have a compelling vision, you need to create an aligned community and map the territory. But furthermore, you need to read the market: see what it lacks and not allow its weaknesses to undermine your efforts in building a trustable and credible platform.

Whitfield Diffie said, “Lots of people working in cryptography have no deep concern with real application issues. They are trying to discover things clever enough to write papers about.” We, at Ternion, are creating an exchange that will reform the future of cryptocurrency. But to do that, we had to analyze the market and provide an individual solution to the real application issues that the market faces. We are concerned with them, because these are the issues we had to overcome to stand where we are today. Someday we will be in the books, but for now we wrote one.

We are pleased and quite honored to launch the Ternion’s first eBook that will guide you and help you to think critically about exchanges, their limitations and their unfulfilled potential.

The book, Strategic Thinking of an Exchange, is 12 pages in total and covers three issues: volatility, security and liability. Prevention of volatility, and integration of the other two elements in a cryptoexchange is important for sustaining its credibility and successful operation.

Read the book and learn how to overcome the limits of cryptocurrency exchanges that hinder further development of cryptocurrency on a larger scale. Learn about the importance of liability towards your clients, security measures, volatility of the market and why regulation is key. To download the book from Ternion website, please follow the link.

Read, learn and participate in the discussion. Enjoy the book and let us know your thoughts.

About Ternion

Ternion is a hybrid and licensed crypto exchange with a fiat gateway and integrated merchant services. Ternion designs a platform that will revolutionize the world of cryptocurrency and will make it accessible and transparent. By setting the bar high, Ternion makes sure that only reliable players can succeed on the market. A demo version of the Ternion Exchange is available for usage on the website. Ternion transforms the present and future by utilizing the knowledge of financial and legal realities, as well as implementing innovative blockchain solutions. To learn more about Ternion, please visit the website.

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Ternion Exchange
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Ternion is a Comprehensive Trading Solution for the Individual Cryptocurrency Trader, Providing Crypto-to-Fiat, Fiat-to-Crypto, and Crypto-to-Crypto Trading