Ternion — The Engine of Change

Ternion Exchange
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2018

Obtaining the license is only the beginning…

Crypto exchanges on the market face a crisis between integrity and legal regulations. It is always a gamble when you choose to put your faith and money in an unregulated exchange. Crypto exchanges have advanced so rapidly that their owners have a false sense of uselessness and unnecessity of legal regulations.

Ternion team, however, has always aimed to change the way the world of cryptocurrency treated legal regulations. Being regulated is important not only to our customers who can now trade safely, but to ourselves, as the problem of unregulated exchanges with suspicious trading activities is what we want to resolve.

It is with our pleasure, we announce that the Ternion Exchange has received a European crypto trading license by the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications. This advancement marks the beginning of a new chapter of crypto exchanges. The license positions us as top market players and opens path for retail and institutional clients to safely engage with Ternion. The Ternion Exchange is now the second licensed crypto exchange after NASDAQ.

The market of cryptocurrencies is considerably volatile and applying something constant, like legal regulations, to something ever changing, like cryptocurrencies, transforms the future into something more reliable, more secure, but still surprising and innovative at the same time. Our messaging has been throughout consistently clear: we do not want to annihilate the future, we want to create it. Ternion appreciates the benefits and understands the importance of the responsibilities that come hand in hand with the license. Innovations, not fear of legal regulations, need to be the engine of change.

With Ternion, we construct an exchange that will not be criticized by the international crypto community for being unaccountable or not transparent. The Ternion Exchange is vigorously AML and KYC compliant. Moreover, a demo version of the Ternion Exchange is available for download on our website and you can experience trading similar in kind to the one in the final product, which will be launched during the main ICO stage.

In the end of the day, it is not about how long it takes to build an exchange or about its rapid growth and size, but it’s about sustainability and continuous level of trust. It is about building a community, about following regulations and about moving steadily in a right direction for the benefit of all, for changing the way the crypto world lives and works.

We have built the exchange that is sound and reliable for our customers, and the one that will make us proud. Join us at Ternion as we sail through and set a course for a brighter future.

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Ternion Exchange
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Ternion is a Comprehensive Trading Solution for the Individual Cryptocurrency Trader, Providing Crypto-to-Fiat, Fiat-to-Crypto, and Crypto-to-Crypto Trading