The Cryptofinance Landscape in 2018

Ternion Exchange
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2018

Blockchain-based financial solutions are growing more numerous by the month, and it’s easy to get lost among a young and bustling new field of financial services as they encroach upon traditional finance.

Initial coin offerings focused on financial services and innovation in cryptofinance don’t tend to capture quite as much attention as their purely utility-oriented competitors, but given the immense potential of cryptocurrencies for serving the monetary needs of consumers, traders, investors, and all other financial market players, understanding the dynamics involved is useful for anyone with a vested interest in or even just initial curiosity towards the cryptofinance market.

We’ve compiled five of the leading cryptofinance solutions that really stood out to us to act as a cross-section of the decentralized finance market and serve to illustrate the varied directions companies in this field are taking while building the future of decentralized assets.

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Banking on the increasing popularity of ICOs, the Bancor Protocol offers an additional standard for ERC20-based tokens to help sustain liquidity. Meanwhile, the Bancor Network allows the exchange of tokens without counterparties via built-in liquidity.

After a record-breaking ICO that raised hundreds of millions of dollars worth of funds, Bancor buckled down and is focusing on solving the narrow liquidity problem that lies at the foundation of the cryptofinance market.


By offering a cryptocurrency debit card for travelers, TenX focuses on tackling the challenge of comfortably using cryptocurrency as actual money both online and off. Whether withdrawing funds via ATM or paying using mobile apps, TenX simplifies the process of paying for goods and services.

Rounding out their value proposition by minimizing user actions and fees charged, TenX is clearly laser-targeted at making cryptocurrencies a viable method of payment.


Offering contributors a path into “the age of democratized investment,” the Swarm Fund is a blockchain-based marketplace of private equity funds with asset backing. As per the name, Swarm allows individual investors to combine their resources to match institutional investment capital requirements.

A prime example of a cryptofinance project focused on reducing friction and improving user experience in decentralized investment, Swarm may not be for the average consumer but still shows the importance of taking the human factor into account.

Omega One

Omega One attacks the issues cryptocurrency holders face when trading and being required to have their funds held by the exchange they use — a red flag for anyone particularly conscious of the promise of decentralization pushed forward by the Blockchain Revolution.

Targeting the trader segment of the cryptofinance market, Omega One creators have identified and are pursuing one of the major concerns brought up by those who keep cryptocurrency markets alive.


Taking a deep dive into financial data and valuation, Hedge is all about cryptocurrency indexation, including providing relevant data aggregation and the infrastructure for the creation of cryptoasset investment vehicles.

Sitting in the deep end of the cryptofinance pool, Hedge further outlines the breadth of the market and the variety of solutions still on the rise within it as cryptocurrencies continue to fight for their place in the world.

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These five examples aren’t a strict top list of the highest earning cryptofinance ICOs so much as an effective illustration of the variety of narrow problems still being addressed in the cryptocurrency space today.

At Ternion, we aim to join their ranks and obliterate the issues still preventing cryptocurrencies from effectively performing the key functions of money that decentralized finances will need to match or outdo to truly succeed in the long term. Learn more here.

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