The Ternion ICO — The First Among (Un)Equals

Ternion Exchange
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2018

ICOs have gained a lot of popularity in recent years as a method of fundraising to support new projects, startups and products. An ICO issues its supporters tokens or other cryptocurrency for their contributions. ICOs share features of both IPOs and crowdfunding. Although an ICO used to be an unregulated method of fundraising to support a new project via cryptocurrency, recently some countries, for example, Estonia, have started to adopt legislations to regulate the grey area of cryptocurrency exchanges.

If we look at the top ICOs in the cryptofinance area, we will see that many of their ecosystems offer returns based on business models that are simply impossible to successfully execute. Other ICOs offer their supporters Crypto Exchange with Fiat Purchases and a crypto-fiat trading, however, their business models, their level of customer support and the details of the execution of exchanges leave much to be desired.

At Ternion, however, you can truly have it all. Ternion combines Crypto Exchange with Fiat Trading, it is based on a triad ecosystem that relies on a feasible and functioning business model. Our team includes prominent specialists and advisers in the finance and trading industry and we offer our clients support 24/7.

The Ternion Liquidity Fund is responsible for buying back the tokens utilizing 50% of the company’s profit and “burning” them to fight volatility and inflation. A beta version of our product is ready and a demo version will be accessible soon enough and will include crypto-fiat trading.

What Is Our ICO for?

The most popular ICOs that have collected millions of dollars are focused on funding such things as adult industry, sports betting, shipping, virtual world real estate and purchase of personal data. While all those things have undoubtedly attracted a huge crowd of supporters, the Ternion ICO does not benefit by exploiting dreams and then failing to fulfill them. We build a real product that solves the prevailing issues in the cryptocurrency sphere. Transparency is what we value and uphold. Our product is aimed at reconciling traditional financial structures with cryptocurrency to provide a beneficial outcome for society.

We are the cross point where everything and everybody meets, we are the beginning of a transformative future of the global financial system. Cryptocurrency has a feasible future and our ICO will contribute to the product that will uphold high standards of trust given to us by our clients. We are better because we combine customer service, accountability, and we vigorously follow Estonian legislation, KYC and AML policies. We have valid goals, not simply aspirations that we aim to fulfill.

We are dedicated to connect a traditional and crypto industry in a unified entity to make cryptocurrency an alternative to fiat money, but with more value to its holders.

We want to rewrite the limitations and to erase them at all.

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Ternion Exchange
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Ternion is a Comprehensive Trading Solution for the Individual Cryptocurrency Trader, Providing Crypto-to-Fiat, Fiat-to-Crypto, and Crypto-to-Crypto Trading