Blockchain Adoption Is Easier With Ternoa’s JavaScript SDK

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3 min readSep 1, 2022

Learning to create smart contracts and NFTs on the blockchain is not as difficult as it seems. The developer community has long held the notion that it’s better to avoid learning programming languages from scratch again (even if that code may have more utility in the future). This is not the case with Ternoa. Though our native language is written in Rust, it has a special JavaScript SDK that allows anyone that knows how to write in this language to also write for Ternoa.

This is a significant move to democratize Web3 development. There are over 20 million developers around the world that currently use JavaScript to develop browsers and web content. It is most definitely the leading source language of the internet and the one that most devs know how to use. Having this SDK would open the door to building out NFTs, dApps, websites, and more on our blockchain. This is a big push for Web3, and we couldn’t be more excited about it.

We aspire to bring about a fascinating renaissance to the open web. Although Substrate and Polkadot are the best programming languages for Layer 1 blockchains (take Gavin Wood’s word for it), fewer than 2.5 million developers worldwide use these languages. So, opening up the doors nearly 10x is a significant step toward mass adoption. JS runs in every browser; the basics can be taught in an afternoon, requires no compiler setup, and comes pre-loaded with valuable libraries like RegExp, Math, and Array. The JS SDK brings this same capability and ease of use to developing dApps, unlocking the power of blockchain to a much wider audience.

Learn, Develop, and Deploy in Minutes

The learning curve to implement blockchain and expand its use cases has just been increased. Never has there been a time when such simplicity and usability were prioritized in writing smart contracts on the blockchain. The JS SDK release has everything you need to dive into Ternoa blockchain development, including the contract framework, JavaScript and TypeScript snippet code examples, and example tests. It is implemented in TypeScript, which offers developers implicit, strict, and structural typing, along with type annotations built into your favourite IDE.

Developers can build their first JavaScript decentralized NFT by following this quick start guide or heading to Ternoa’s landing page to learn more.

Inspecting the JS SDK

All the features that allow developers to write pallets in Rust are available in pure JavaScript or TypeScript. This includes aspects like oracles, pattern matching, and more. The way it works is the JS SDK provides each contract with its instance of a JS engine running inside it.

An API instance must be initialized using the initializeApi function in ternoa-js/blockchain before calling some SDK functions.

For a more detailed look at the contract structure and other configurations, check out this Dapp QuickStart Guide on Ternoa’s Official Documentation Site.



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First blockchain dedicated to data encryption & transmission using NFTs 🚀