Ternoa, Creating Environmentally-Friendly Augmented NFTs

Nicolas Duchemin
Published in
4 min readDec 15, 2021

In this article, discover how Ternoa provides augmented NFTs through the use of environmentally-friendly blockchain solutions, consuming the least amount of energy possible.

Today, it is becoming more clear the amount of energy that certain blockchains consume, bringing rise to underlying concerns for the planet’s well-being. For example, a single Ethereum transaction uses 48.14 kWh of electrical power. In comparison, that’s a little over a day and a half of energy use for the average American home. When you multiply that figure by thousands of daily transactions, it becomes clear that the energy consumption of certain NFTs is a significant expense, but this is not always the case.

There are new emerging blockchain solutions that offer faster NFT services, all using significantly less energy and resources. This is where Ternoa comes in, going against this classic form of energy use and providing NFT technology through a blockchain constructed from environmentally-friendly solutions, avoiding overconsumption of energy at all costs.

What is Ternoa? Ternoa is the augmented NFT blockchain, providing NFTs for entertainment, gaming, metaverse, and private data management time capsules. From day one, Ternoa’s founder Mickael Canu, created this blockchain with the goal of giving the ability to transfer his memories to his children, years in the future. A large key to this mission was incorporating NFTs as the vehicle for the data that will be transmitted, offering users a decentralized, completely secure form of data handling. This project is built for the future, therefore, this project needed a low energy impact blockchain system, and this is why we started with Polkadot.

Ternoa & Polkadot

Polkadot is an open-source blockchain platform that allows for other blockchains to be constructed on top of it, performing inter-chain transactions resulting in an interconnected internet of blockchains. Polkadot achieves this through the use of Substrate Framework, a modular blockchain architecture that allows developers to quickly design and deploy a blockchain, with the choice of feature options to meet a variety of project requirements.

Ternoa chose to be powered by Polkadot not only because of the Substrate Framework allowing interoperability between other blockchains but also for the simple fact that it allows for Nominated-Proof-Of-Stake (NPoS) consensus, the secret as to why Polkadot consumes just 0.001% of Bitcoin’s typical energy consumption if that.

Nominated Proof-of-Stake

Nominated Proof-of-Stake is the process of choosing validator nodes to participate in the consensus protocol for the blockchain and was invented to eliminate the massive energy costs other systems generate. NPoS is currently utilized in Polkadot and Substrate-based Blockchains such as Kusama, Edgeware, Polkadot, and more.

NPoS is much more energy conserving compared to other consensus solutions because of its use of nominators and validators to govern the blockchain transactions rather than using miners, eliminating the need for mining tools and other resources which require the large amount of electricity that we see in other blockchains consume, using other forms of governance (i.e. Proof-of-Work) like Binance or Ethereum.

Nominated Proof-of-Stake vs. Proof-of-work

Proof-of-Work is the more commonly used blockchain consensus, using miners to help govern the blockchain and its transactions. These miners take up a lot of resources and energy, which is the main reason why blockchains like Ethereum for example use 48.14 kWh per transaction, compared to NPoS-based Polkadot using 0.8 GWh per year.

In the above image, you can clearly compare the difference between blockchains using PoW and NPoS. For example Bitcoin and Ethereum consume as much energy per year as 75+ countries with a low transaction rate, whereas Polkadot consumes the same amount of energy per year as one hotel. The difference is astronomical, given also the fact that Polkadot allowed for 100x more transactions with this little energy use.

With those examples alone, you can see how much of an improvement NPoS-based blockchains are, and why it was an easy choice for Ternoa. And luckily, as days go on, there are more and more environmentally-friendly features that can be imposed on blockchain systems.

Ternoa’s fight for creating environmentally-friendly NFTs continues

Thanks to having been powered by Polkadot and based on Substrate Framework, allowing Nominated Proof-of-Stake, Ternoa ensures more energy efficient transactions than other blockchains using alternative solutions. If there is one thing that should be remembered from this article, it should be that Ternoa’s aim is to provide to users augmented NFTs built on an environmentally friendly blockchain, helping community members to enjoy NFTs without having to worry about their imprint on the environment.

This is just the start for our project, there is much more to discover and improve as time goes on, and as our blockchain heads towards it’s mainnet launch. We have also been contributing towards carbon neutrality, making our website completely CO2 neutral, as well as planting trees to help contribute to balancing our carbon footprint. More exciting innovations will come from Ternoa, fighting for eco-friendly NFTs! More and more development is expected, contributing to an eco-friendly, and productive blockchain for all.

Stay informed on Ternoa’s latest updates by following our NFT project on Twitter. You can also join Ternoa’s Telegram for direct communication with the team!



Nicolas Duchemin
Writer for

10+ years experience in the IT industry, working as Digital Marketer promoting SaaS, Cloud services, and Blockchain projects