Ternoa Partnerships FAQ Article 3/4

Nicolas Duchemin
Published in
5 min readSep 28, 2021
Ternoa Frenquently Asked Questions

In this article, find out all about Ternoa’s current partners, as well as the project’s goals to keep building towards innovative collaborations.

Since Ternoa’s start in October 2020, the project’s unique NFT Blockchain solution has drawn in partners from all over the world. Today, Ternoa holds over 50 different partnerships including leading investment funds, blockchain collaborations, media influencers and more. All of which support the project by not only giving impactful advice, but also providing connections and spreading the word about the project to other communities helping Ternoa expand internationally.

Ternoa Partners

What Funds are Ternoa Working With to Boost the Project’s International Reach?

In early May 2021, Ternoa announced its first two major investment fund partners: Master Ventures and GD10 Ventures. They are among the biggest players in the global crypto ecosystem, as Kyle Chasse, CEO of Master Ventures, and Dr. Deeban Ratneswaran, CEO of GD10 Ventures, are both well-known to many professionals and influencers. You can read more into the benefits of this partnership with these American funds here. And not long after, Ternoa brought on Digital Finance Group (DFG), another strong, American investment fund joining to help spread the news of Ternoa to the world and feed the project the best assets possible.

To help expand Ternoa’s reach in the Asian market, the blockchain project partnered with Arkstream Capital by BlockArk, SevenX Ventures, Waterdrip, LVT Capital, and Morningstar Ventures. Having connections from Arabic countries all the way through Asia and even Australia, these funds have been opening new doors for the project, as well as giving advice on how to stand out from other upcoming projects.

In the more recent months, Ternoa has also brought on CoinGecko, AscendEx, Gate, and Mr. Beast. Each of Ternoa’s partnerships has also brought new collaborative opportunities, not just for the CAPS token and blockchain technology, but also for the community.

Ternoa Influencers

Does Ternoa Work With International Influencers?

Word about Ternoa has been spreading quickly, and the project has been gaining a lot of support from international media influencers. One of the top English-speaking influencers on board the project would be Mr. Beast, an American Youtuber, and philanthropist with over 60 million international subscribers. In early 2021 Ternoa caught his eye, and he has been following the project, investing, and spreading the word ever since. There is also The Moon Carl, a known American Youtuber with a large following on Telegram has already made video posts and telegram pinned messages about the Ternoa Project, broadcasting them to his 460k followers. A previous video he did on one of his channels: see video here. And also Ash WSB along with his venture capital Everse Capital, a known English-speaking Crypto enthusiast on Twitter who is in full support of the Ternoa project and keeps their followers up to date with Instagram stories and occasional Twitter posts on the project’s important news.

Being that the project is originally French, it also has a strong amount of known French influencers on board, including Jigmé, Romain Lanery, Hasheur, Amixem, TibTalks, and more, covering all social media platforms from Youtube, to Twitter, to TikTok with a combined total of 15 million subscribers watching their content.

As Spanish is also a widely spoken language, Ternoa has also been working hard to become well-known in as many Spanish communities as possible. To help, Ternoa has partnered with Ronny Roehrig, a known Spanish cryptocurrency Youtuber with over 92k subscribers on his channel Crypto Avances. You can watch his review on the project here. As well as collaborating with Hugo Healthy Pockets, another very large player in the Spanish crypto communities, and with Ptrixx, a Portuguese Olympic athlete and Crypto enthusiast who has helped bring a lot of new supporters from Brazil, Portugal, Mexico, and the US to the project.

Ternoa is currently working towards bringing on influencers and KOLs working with Chinese communities as well, to branch out in that market. Each day Ternoa’s team is making new connections and working hard to make as much of an impact as possible and grow its international community.

What are some of Ternoa’s Blockchain Collaborations?

So far Ternoa has made great strides when it comes to creating new blockchain collaborations and partnerships. At the very beginning of the project, Dominic Pon, a French General Director and Ministerial official in control of digital wellbeing joined in as an advisor. Not long after more partners started joining, for example SubQuery, to help add extra layers of security to the blockchain’s applications. Also, the BinanceNFT Marketplace chose Ternoa to be one of the specially selected 100 companies to be featured on their first NFT marketplace.

Ternoa has also been working on creating bridges to add interoperability to the Ternoa ecosystem. Already having created an ERC20 to BEP20 bridge, the project’s team is tackling creating an Elrond NFT bridge, working closely with the Elrond team. Ternoa is also creating a Solana bridge, and has just brought on a new partner, Tixl, who will help us build more bridges at a faster pace.

Another key partnership would be with the French company, Syment, which includes the first official implementation of Ternoa’s SecretNFTs. This company offers real-estate co-owners remote meeting solutions, therefore they will be utilizing the Ternoa Blockchain to offer their users a more efficient way to secure their meeting minutes, details, and more. Read all about this budding partnership here.

What’s next in terms of Ternoa’s partnerships?

In its first year, Ternoa has made huge leaps in terms of international partnerships and growth. And this is just the beginning! Up next for the project is its highly anticipated testnet launch, where Ternoa’s partners, as well as the general public, will be able to put the blockchain to test and help bring it to perfection before its mainnet launch in Q1 2022.

Be sure to follow Ternoa on Twitter and Linkedin to stay up to date on the upcoming new partnerships and achievements to come for the blockchain project!



Nicolas Duchemin
Writer for

10+ years experience in the IT industry, working as Digital Marketer promoting SaaS, Cloud services, and Blockchain projects