The Ternoa project

Nicolas Duchemin
Published in
8 min readMay 19, 2021

The Ternoa project aims to erase the boundaries of time through time capsules. All over the world, we will be able to transmit, share and disseminate our art, our memories and our heritage thanks to Ternoa’s blockchain technology.

Ternoa is a Substrate-based blockchain and aims to fit inside the Polkadot ecosystem and other decentralized storage blockchains. The blockchain is geared towards long term data storage, encryption and transmission based on different protocols, built on substrate. Our ecosystem already comprises dApps for Business-To-Consumer and Business-To-Business use cases.

Ternoa’s technology will allow individuals and companies to transfer their data to their trusted ones and to the next generation thanks to the Ternoa protocols: personal messages, pictures, wallet seeds, health data, insurance data, … without any intermediary.

Mickaël Canu, CEO of Ternoa:

The pain problem we wanted to address was the long term transmission of personal data without any intermediary as no viable digital solution exists, and the only “physical solutions” are intermediated, and accept limited personal data: safe in banks, notary offices, …

The challenge was to find the best way to store, encrypt, segment, and ensure transmission of data through a long period of time.

Our creative solution involves a specific blockchain network, a new way of using NFTs, and off-chain encryption keys stored in SGX enclaves paired with a network of decentralized storage blockchain.”


The Ternoa project has been able to attract and unite people thanks to its unique value proposition. Important investment funds support the project such as DFG Group, LVT Capital, Master Ventures, GD10, Waterdrip Capital, Morningstar, PAID, DAO Maker, ArkStream. Their international expertise and financial strength ensure exceptional development.

Ternoa has also received the support of key opinion leaders such as Hasheur the co-founder of deskoin and Just Mining, and Binance Influencer of the year 2020 for Europe, and from Mr Dominique Pon, the Pasteur Clinique Director and French Government delegate for Health Data, also head of the Eternesia Foundation.

Technical Overview

Ternoa’s main goal is to allow its users to transmit digital memories/valuables to families, friends or others.

These “memories” can include photos, videos, texts, wallet seeds, personal records and passwords wrapped as NFTs, or stored in our decentralized network only accessible by the NFT holder.

These “time capsules” NFT items may represent digital assets, videos or pictures; personal belongings or human memories; confidential information that only the owner of the NFT will have access to — all pin-pointed to a specific time of creation within our time capsule based on five different protocols which are:

1 — The Safe Protocol

Using this smart contract, it is possible to store data in a decentralized manner through the Ternoa blockchain, and to consult and retrieve it at any time. This is a classic form of storage, combining the security and transparency inherent in Ternoa.

2 — The D-Day Protocol

This smart contract allows you to set the exact date for sending a capsule to a given recipient. The capsule therefore acts as a kind of digital safe, which can only be opened on a specific date.

3 — The Consent Protocol

By using this smart contract, the recipients have the right to request access to the time capsule after a given period and provided that the owner does not use their right of veto. If the creator does not oppose the sending of the capsule for a period that they have personally defined, the smart contract judges that the creator consents to the issuance of the capsule.

4 — The Death Protocol

With this smart contract, the time capsule is issued upon the death of its creator. To operate under the best conditions, this protocol is based on the programming interfaces (API) of local death registers. Initially, this protocol will only be available in certain eligible countries.

5 — The Countdown Protocol

As its name suggests, this smart contract allows you to activate a countdown before sending a capsule. When this ends, the capsule is immediately issued. If desired, the creator of the capsule can restart the countdown from the start, as many times as necessary.

Ternoa — How it works?

How it works ?

Ternoa’s chain is built atop Parity Substrate, and we plan for it to be a parachain or parathread on Polkadot. In order to protect the keys encrypting the data related to our Capsules (which are represented as NFTs), we are building an integration with Intel SGX Secure Enclaves technology.

All data is encrypted and segmented to be stored in our decentralized storage blockchain partners (Sia, Storj, Arweave expected for now). Even if the storage blockchains are public, we managed to encrypt the data that is stored — thus inviolable.

With Ternoa’s Secret NFT feature, our users can create NFTs that are linked to a set of encrypted data which only the owner of the NFT will be able to access. This is done in a totally decentralized and autonomous way without having to trust third parties. Similarly to the Capsules this builds atop Intel SGX and is generalizing this to all our users.

A Software Development Kit (SDK) is made available to developers worldwide, to help create decentralized applications relying upon our blockchain. Our infrastructure, protocols and Master Nodes network are made available to third party apps with long term storage and data transmission needs.

Use Cases

A dedicated structure and subsidiary, CAPSULE CORP. LABS is carrying out the development of dApps. CAPSULE CORP. LABS benefits from equity investors resources to achieve this goal.

We also rely on our advisor’s influence and our investor’s network. We handpicked our investors with the sole purpose to add value to our project

To date, two dApps are being developed:

  • Time Capsules : allowing users to send their personal data to close ones based on different protocols
  • SecretNFT Marketplace : allowing users to purchase and create SecretNFTs with CAPS. The SecretNFT is composed of two “media”, one in lower quality, with a different image, or with a watermark, that can be viewed by the public, and one with the highest and full quality that can only be seen by the owner of the NFT.

This opened up a lot of use cases in art, entertainment, legal tech, etc…

Some leads are under commercial development with Tier 1 corporate entities:

  • Luxury goods NFTs (contact established with a top tier French Couture brand)
  • Medical records long term storage, and Dominique Pon, our advisor, intends to develop Ternoa in hospitals throughout France enabling patients to gather their last wills/wishes for their close ones.
  • Music Industry — use of SecretNFTs for artist-fan relationship

Moreover, our seed round was only composed of non-crypto user’s, but Ternoa’s enthusiasts, professionals and individuals who candidly loved the use cases and wanted to use the Time Capsule dApp. We launched an alpha version of our “Time Capsule” app in November, and it was downloaded 10 000 times in less than 2 months.


  • Total Supply: 2 500 000 000 CAPS (2,5 billions)
  • IDO Price (on Ignition and DAO Maker) : 0,008 $ / CAPS

The whole token distribution will be like this :

Ternoa CAPS Token distribution
CAPS Distribution graphic
CAPS Release graphic
CAPS Release graphic

To summarize, the CAPS token will be used to purchase and mint the NFT’s on Ternoa’s Blockchain, to purchase the storage capacity over time, and to pay the protocols and operation costs of masternodes.

A staking system will be launched after listing allowing CAPS holders to stake their token for a highly attractive APY rate. These CAPS will be either exchangeable with special NFT’s, or vested until the main net launch.

We use a Nominated Proof-Of-Stake, so nominators will be able to stake and delegate tokens to masternode validator’s operators in the consensus protocol, in exchange for a portion of the masternodes profits.

We also thought of a burning process, where the tokens of a compromised masternode will be seized from the corrupt Validator and one part of the CAPS allocation will be allocated to the Ternoa Foundation, and the other part will be burned.

For more details, please check our Whitepaper on Github.


Ternoa emerged from the mind of Mickael Canu, and it is built around a highly efficient team of experienced entrepreneurs, analysts, financial and communication experts.

Mickael Canu — CEO/CTO

Co-founder and CTO of several start-ups, Mickael has designed and developed various smart contracts on Ethereum: registration of general meetings (SYMENT), hashing (contractchain V2), or archiving as evidence (OVERHEADS). Mickaël has a degree in Computer Science from Osaka University. He is a blockchain lecturer and teaches development courses on Ethereum at the Wild Code School.

Clément Téqui — CFO

Coming from the financial consulting industry and specializing in Token Economics, Clément created the blockchain practice of Accuracy cabinet. He advised the Peculium ICO (€9m) and sits on the Board of Linkcy. A graduate of ESCP, he is the author of the book “Blockchain, vers de nouvelles chaines de valeur” (Edition Eyrolles) and teaches courses on the strategic challenges of blockchain at the University of Paris Dauphine and at the Ecole Polytechnique.

Eliott Teissonniere — Blockchain Architect

Lead Blockchain Architect at Nodle, Eliott has also developed the first marriage dApp on Ethereum, and is the co-owner of several patents related to blockchain technology. Ex-CTO of BitNation (UNESCO award-winning project in 2017), Eliott is also a mentor at the Berkeley Blockchain Accelerator, and has spoken at the Paris Blockchain Week and at the Stanford Blockchain Conference

Today the Ternoa team is composed of 30 members working worldwide.

To go further

Ternoa’s development progress is on time. We currently have 10 masternodes working on our alpha net (ChaosNet) and minting the NFTs. We’ve also finalized our unique and innovative wallet process enabling users to purchase an NFT through their Ternoa CAPS wallet using QR code technology.

By the end of the year, the Testnet will be deployed. The Mainnet will arrive in Q3 2021 and the deployment of oracles will arrive in 2022.

We are growing fast, so follow us for the latest updates:

  • News : Twitter (+25k followers) and Telegram (+20k followers FR+EN)
  • Ternoa website: Here
  • Development progress and whitepaper : Github
  • Smart-Contracts audit : Here



Nicolas Duchemin
Writer for

10+ years experience in the IT industry, working as Digital Marketer promoting SaaS, Cloud services, and Blockchain projects