Ternoa’s February Recap: A Month Full of TernoaChain DApp Development

Nicolas Duchemin
Published in
4 min readMar 10, 2022

February 2022 was an exciting month of growth for Ternoa’s blockchain! Read into this article to find out all about it, including the release of the Time Capsule DApp’s first beta version, bringing on a major new advisor, and more.

February proved to be a month full of exciting blockchain developments for Ternoa, with the release of a new project on the Ternoa Launchpad, the first beta version of Ternoa’s Time Capsule Dapp, and new blockchain updates and features!

Not only that, but we even brought on a new advisor to aid in pushing even more useful blockchain features for the DApps being built on Ternoa. In this article, we will delve into these major announcements as well as others, showing how they are helping set Ternoa up for the months to come.

Exciting TernoaChain Developments

Ever since the Ternoa Blockchain moved onto testnet back in October 2021, over 217,000 NFTs have been minted, 185 nodes launched worldwide, 30 marketplaces created, and 80,000 more Ternoa Wallets were downloaded.

We are thrilled that our community enjoys testing our current features, as our goal is to allow any level of developer to be able to build off our features and create their own unique DApp on our blockchain! With this in mind, this month we teased an upcoming feature that will soon allow users to delegate their NFTs, meaning they will be able to lend, mirror, and pledge their NFTs and their content to other users. More details on this and other upcoming features will come in the following weeks.

Building onto this notion of creating a layer 1 blockchain to offer developers and companies new features and opportunities for their DApp ideas, on February 16th we officially presented the Ternoa Ecosystem and its current status.

With over 9 DApps currently being developed on the Ternoa Blockchain, a few of them had exciting announcements this month: the first being a teaser for an update on the Tiime Engine, our crypto faucet DApp already available on the Ternoa Wallet. The second being the long-awaited Time Capsule Dapp, officially launching its own Twitter account and also the first beta version of the application! For more details on the Ternoa Ecosystem, you can watch our recent Youtube video, or read our article on it.

Mafiafoot Released on the Ternoa Launchpad

With over 3,100 users connected and participating in the Ternoa Launchpad’s events, we decided to launch its own Twitter account this month so these users can follow the platform’s updates and new project events more closely.

This came just in time for the release of the upcoming DApp Mafiafoot on February 26th! Mafiafoot is the first soccer, NFT-themed game where users can build a team, develop and manage a club, and participate in play-to-earn events. Currently being built on the Ternoa Blockchain, this project holds major potential and is already backed by a strong community of over 22,000 enthusiasts!

Thanks to the recent feedback from our community, we have made a few updates to the Ternoa Launchpad’s functionality to better suit its users. One of these updates includes changing the amount of winning tickets in the Ticket Draw event depending on each project’s tokenomics, rather than only allowing 200 per project. For example, Mafiafoot had 400 winning tickets!

You can read more into the other updates made on our platform in this article here. The Ternoa team is always working towards creating a unique and user-friendly environment for our community, therefore we greatly appreciate any feedback on how to continue to make our DApps and platforms the best for our users as possible.

Ternoa’s New Advisor, Sami Chlagou

As time goes on, Ternoa is surrounded by more and more strong advisors and specialists in fields that directly play into Ternoa’s ambitions. This month, we were very excited to announce a new advisor to join in, Sami Chlagou.

CEO and Co-Founder of the play-to-earn NFT metaverse game, Cross the Ages, Sami Chlagou has extensive expertise in the international gaming industry, and will aid us in developing new play-to-earn features on the Ternoa Blockchain to better benefit games launching in our ecosystem! You can read more into this announcement in our recent article here.

Update on the TernoaVerse

This month, we officially hit over 10,000 visitors in our metaverse worlds! In the past few months, we have released several worlds in the metaverse (via AltspaceVR’s platform), all with the purpose of testing our different blockchain features, as well as hosting events for our community.

Thanks to these exploits, the Ternoa Wallet was one of the first crypto wallets to work in the metaverse! And these efforts didn’t go unseen, as Ternoa was mentioned this month by Digital Finance Group (DFG), the international investment firm empowering Blockchain & Web3 developments, in their recent article on promising Polkadot projects in the metaverse.

Exciting Months Ahead

This month’s developments have really set Ternoa in gear for pushing on to its upcoming ventures. Our development team is working hard at implementing as many unique and helpful features as possible, allowing for endless opportunities for all DApps being built on the Ternoa Blockchain.

We are also very excited to start collaborating with our new advisor Sami Chlagou, and be able to bring on new beneficial play-to-earn features. Thanks to this month’s progress, Ternoa is on track for reaching its goal of being the perfect space for Web3 games and other decentralized applications to thrive and reach new boundaries.

There is much more to be discovered on Ternoa, be sure to follow our Twitter and join our Telegram to stay up to date on what will come next!



Nicolas Duchemin
Writer for

10+ years experience in the IT industry, working as Digital Marketer promoting SaaS, Cloud services, and Blockchain projects