The Launch of Ternoa Phase 4 Part II — Capsules

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4 min readMar 9, 2023

Future-Proof Your Memories: How Ternoa’s Capsules Ensure Reliable Transmission of Your Private Data.

Ternoa’s journey began with a bold vision to future-proof private data and memories in a rapidly evolving digital world. This forward-thinking goal ignited innovation and collaboration within Ternoa as we set out to create a solution to safeguard private data and memories. Today, we are thrilled to see Ternoa’s vision come to life with the launch of Capsules on our Alphanet Network. With Capsules, we are creating a new standard for secure and verifiable data storage, paving the way for a new era of privacy and protection.

But what exactly are Capsules?

In today’s digital world, where data is increasingly vulnerable to hacking and breaches, safeguarding private data and memories has become more critical than ever. This is where Ternoa’s innovative solution, Capsules, comes into play. Capsules are a new type of NFT that offer unlimited storage capacity and automated transfer services, revolutionizing how we store and transfer data. Unlike traditional storage options, Capsules offer unlimited storage capacity and automated transfer services, empowering users to future-proof their memories and data. Capsules rely on decentralized technology to ensure secure data storage and transmission by distributing it across multiple locations, reducing the risk of hacking attempts or tampering.

Capsules allow for the sharing of data at specific times or events, offering a simple and secure method of transferring data. By utilizing Capsules, users can maintain control of their data and protect their data and memories with superior security, reliability, scalability, and privacy. Capsules offer a solution to the limitations of centralized storage alternatives and the threat of privacy breaches associated with transfer services. By delivering unlimited encrypted data storage, Capsules provide a secure and efficient means of storing and transferring data over time, allowing users to transfer data whenever necessary.

How are Capsules future-proofing data and memories?

To ensure privacy with Capsules, data is stored in a decentralized manner using IPFS protocol. Capsules can contain multiple media files and enable off-chain data to be changed or updated after they have been minted. Their mutable nature empowers users to modify, remove, or add new files with ease. The media is encrypted using PGP keys, and the private key is split into shares using Shamir’s Secret Sharing algorithm. Each share is securely stored in an enclave using TEE technology, where only the current owner can access them. Capsules use advanced security measures to protect the data they store, such as splitting the encryption key and storing it securely in enclaves.

You can review our Capsule TIP here to dive deeper into the technical side.

What’s the future potential of Capsules?

Capsules represent a revolutionary breakthrough in data storage and transfer, providing a secure and verifiable way to safeguard information across a range of industries. From medical records and supply chain management to education and real estate, Capsules offer unparalleled transparency and accountability in the transfer of critical data.

In the art world, where forgery is a significant issue, Capsules offer an essential solution to protect the authenticity of artwork. By using Ternoa’s Capsules, art collectors and galleries can ensure the origin of an artwork is secure and verifiable. Capsules can store digital certificates of authenticity, including information about the artwork’s origin and ownership history, ensuring its value and authenticity are protected.

Capsules also have tremendous potential in digital identity verification, simplifying the secure transfer of sensitive information such as passport scans and education credentials. Additionally, in the real estate industry, Capsules offer a secure and reliable way to store and transfer property titles and deeds, simplifying the sale or transfer of properties for homeowners. With Capsules, individuals and organizations can have complete control over their data and ensure that it is protected from unauthorized access or tampering.

Most importantly, Capsules offer a unique way to preserve your legacy and memories for future generations. By securely storing personal data, photos, and videos in Capsules, you can ensure that they will be passed down to your loved ones and cherished for years to come. Capsules allow families to create a digital time capsule of memories, with triggers set for sharing at significant milestones. With Capsules, you can take control of your data and protect your privacy while preserving memories for generations to come.

What’s next for Ternoa?

Next week, we’ll announce the launch of Phase 4 Part III and explore the world of Transmission Protocols. This technology will revolutionize how you share information, allowing you to transmit your data safely and efficiently using a customized event-based or time-based transmission.

In the meantime, you can follow us on Twitter to join our future AMAs, where we’ll explore Phase 4 in real time. To join the Ternoa ecosystem, start using our SDK today:



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First blockchain dedicated to data encryption & transmission using NFTs 🚀