AllianceDAO Is Live

Published in
5 min readDec 12, 2023

The big day is here — AllianceDAO is live! Before learning how to claim your AllianceDAO NFT, let’s dive into a brief overview of AllianceDAO and who will be eligible to claim.

What is AllianceDAO?

The AllianceDAO NFT collection is an NFT project launched by Terraform Labs (TFL) to reward participants of the Game of Alliance (GoA). GoA was an incentivized testnet designed to battle-test Terra’s Alliance module before its mainnet launch, and it ran from February 9th to March 2nd, 2023.

During the game, users could stake on different Alliance chains and move their tokens to optimize rewards as the parameters of each chain changed. Player’s final scores were calculated based on the total staking rewards they earned plus the points they received from completing different missions. Participants in GoA will each receive an AllianceDAO NFT.

AllianceDAO Rewards

In the coming weeks, a governance proposal will be submitted on Terra to direct a portion of LUNA staking rewards to AllianceDAO NFT holders. These rewards will be stored in the NFT contract. Each NFT represents a portion of the rewards accumulated in the NFT contract.

Importantly, NFT rewards can only be claimed once per NFT. This process is called “breaking” the NFT. Once an NFT has been broken, no more Alliance staking rewards will accrue to it. Although broken NFTs no longer accrue rewards, they can still be staked to AllianceDAO on Enterprise to participate in governance.

Each “unbroken” NFT will receive an equal proportion of the ever-growing Alliance reward pool. As users break their NFTs to claim rewards, the amount of outstanding, unbroken NFTs gets smaller, and their share of the reward pool gets larger.

For more information on the AllianceDAO NFT reward mechanism, read Introducing AllianceDAO.

Claim Eligibility

The claim period begins on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 2:55 p.m. UTC and will last until Friday, January 12, 2024, at 2:55 p.m. Only users who participated in the Game of Alliance can claim an NFT during the claim period.

Any user who created a wallet for GoA and had at least one staking transaction while playing will be eligible to claim an AllianceDAO NFT. To be Sybil-resistant and make the claim process as fair as possible, the claim is limited to one NFT per participating IP address. If a user participated with multiple wallets using the same IP address, only the wallet address with the highest GoA score will be eligible for the claim.

To reward participants with higher scores, the NFTs will vary in rarity depending on a user’s GoA score. Scores were tallied during the game to determine each participant’s ranking, and final scores were calculated by multiplying a user’s mission score by the number of staking rewards claimed. Final scores for users with multiple wallets were calculated by adding all points earned on each wallet.

Higher-scoring players will receive an NFT with a corresponding rarity score. In total, there are forty levels of rarity.

There are 9,538 wallets that are eligible to claim an NFT. To make the collection a round number, the total number of NFTs is 10k. This means that 462 NFTs are not assigned to any wallet, and cannot be claimed by anyone during the claim period.

If you did not participate in GoA but you still want an NFT, don’t worry! Any unclaimed NFTs will be sent to the DAO treasury at the end of the one-month Claim period. From there, the DAO can vote to list the NFTs for sale on a marketplace, and users can purchase one.

The Claim Process

  1. Before claiming your NFT, make sure you have the Station browser extension installed. Users will need to import the Station wallet they used to play GoA. Make sure you have LUNA in your wallet to pay for transaction fees. You may have to follow the claim process several times to find the eligible wallet if you used multiple wallets.
  2. Visit and click the blue Connect Wallet button. You may have to allow the connection in your Station Extension.

3. If your wallet is eligible to claim an NFT, you’ll see the following screen. Click Claim NFT to claim your NFT!

4. Sign the transaction in your wallet extension and click View NFT.

5. In the NFT Gallery page, click My NFTs. Then, click on your NFT to view its image and metadata.

6. Your full-resolution NFT will be shown, along with its attributes. Congratulations, you’ve just minted your AllianceDAO NFT! 🎉

NFT Staking

Users can stake their AllianceDAO NFTs to participate in DAO governance. Before staking, be aware that there is a five-day unlocking period after unstaking. Make sure you have LUNA in the corresponding wallet to pay for transaction fees.

  1. After claiming your NFT, head to the AllianceDAO staking page in the Enterprise DAO App.
  2. Click Connect Wallet.

3. Click the Stake button.

4 Select your NFT from the dropdown and click Stake.

5. Sign the transaction in your wallet. Congratulations, you are now a participating member of AllianceDAO!

Once again, we’d like to thank everyone who participated in the Game of Alliance competition– your participation was a huge help in battle testing the Alliance module ahead of launch. After claiming your NFT, tweet with the hashtag #AllianceDAO and tell the community your character’s name, occupation, and the first thing they did after The Warp.

If you’re unfamiliar with the story of AllianceDAO NFTs, read The Backstory.

Stay up-to-date on the latest news by following @The_AllianceDAO on Twitter/X and joining the AllianceDAO community on Telegram. The journey has only begun 🫡

