AllianceDAO: The Backstory

Published in
5 min readDec 4, 2023

Millions of years from now, there are ten planets hosting humanoid life. The planets and their inhabitants are wildly different, and none of them know the others exist, isolated by the vast emptiness of space.

One day, something inexplicable happened. In a flash, hundreds of people on each planet suddenly vanished. They were transported to one of the other planets or to a different location on their home planet. Thousands were displaced and forced to make their way on strange new worlds.

This occurrence is known simply as “The Warp.”

The Last Journey

Eons before The Warp, the human race faced extinction — Earth was dying.

War had ravaged the Earth for centuries. Conflicts over resources had left the Earth decimated. Leaders from the world’s ten remaining nations had a choice: band together, or die apart.

As a result, The Alliance Coalition was formed, and one hundred of the world’s top scientists and engineers came together to create a device that they hoped would save humanity.

After years of planning, scouting, false hope, and failure, the population of Earth had reached dismal levels. Just as the candle of life was about to be extinguished, the remaining handful of scientists and engineers finally succeeded. They developed the Alliance device, a machine that could alter the fabric of the universe to create pathways between planets that spanned billions of light years.

Ten of these devices were made, each given to one of Earth’s remaining nations. Astronomers and theoretical planetologists pinpointed ten planets scattered throughout the universe with the ability to nurture life. Provisions were gathered, and as the Earth’s resources were finally depleted, humanity left. They began the Last Journey.

Each of the ten factions was transported to a different planet in hopes that at least one of the colonies would survive. However, this exodus could only occur once. The Alliance device needed fuel that had taken years to synthesize in the world’s last operating particle accelerator. With only one shot, the devices were used, and all ten factions were transported to their new homes.


The settlers arrived on their new planets hungry and tired and with barely enough energy to begin terraforming. But begin they did, as their new planets were barren, and the plants and animals they had brought with them would need time to adapt to survive off of each planet’s alien ecology.

The settlers’ terraforming machinery was limited and not up to the task of totally transforming their planets. Instead, each faction worked with its planet, using terraforming methods to create a livable environment, if not a hospitable one. As a result, the ten planets came to have radically different environments with unique life spread across each.

At first, the settlers worked hard to preserve the history and knowledge they brought from Earth. However, after several generations, the devices used to store and access this knowledge began to deteriorate. The technological setback after the first 15 generations was severe, as the tools for manufacturing and transferring knowledge brought from Earth corroded and gradually turned to dust. Primitive replacements could not be made fast enough, or with enough precision to preserve what was lost, and with no other options, cultures devolved into crude collectives whose sole purpose was survival.

The Alliance devices themselves were also lost, and the thoughts of their use, the Last Journey, and the origins of humanity faded from memory. Some planets have ancient structures with inscriptions describing the Last Journey, but their true meaning has been lost as various cultures and religions rewrote their significance.


For the next seven million years, the inhabitants of the ten planets evolved and adapted to their surroundings, each becoming suited to the environment and climate of their homes. Their bodies changed, and so did the plants and animals around them. Ten planets created ten distinct cultures of human descendants, each with its own civilization and technology.

The populations on each planet varied, though no planet ever became densely populated. Survival was difficult, even after millions of years. A few planets went through periods of near extinction, resetting civilization and beginning the cycle again. Some went through cycles of technological advancement followed by destruction and cultural decimation from wars and natural disasters. Several planets had achieved societal and technological advancements nearly on par with those of Earth. Despite their differences, the planets all had two things in common: none of them knew their origins, and most believed themselves to be the singular source of life across the cosmos.

The Warp

The exact reason for the Warp is unknown. In an instant, hundreds of inhabitants from each planet found themselves in a strange new place. A few were seen by others as they appeared out of thin air, arriving a few feet off the ground and landing with confusion. Some carried objects when they arrived, and others instinctively grabbed the nearest thing they could find, hoping to protect themselves. Most were in a stupor for a while, unable to comprehend what had happened. Some found themselves in immediate danger from foreign atmospheres, alien terrain, and unfamiliar animals. The appearance of strange locals was quite a shock.

Only one thing is certain for these travelers: the journey home will be long and dangerous.

The Planets

  1. Ozara: the desert planet, where life is scarce, and water is even scarcer.
  2. Lusa: the water planet, where the trident is the weapon of choice.
  3. Sindari: the fire planet, where rivers of lava surround charred trees.
  4. Kita: the ice planet, where oceans never thaw.
  5. Zando: the jungle planet, where giant sloths roam.
  6. Crutha: the mountain planet, where harsh terrain shapes harsh cultures.
  7. Pampas: the meadow planet, where small humanoids live in harmony.
  8. Minas: the asteroid, where mining is a way of life.
  9. Gredica: the flower planet, where dangerous flowers encircle the globe.
  10. Cristall: the crystal planet, where amethysts grow like mountains.

The Artwork

A Gredican stranded on Cristall.

The artwork for each NFT in the AllianceDAO NFT collection is a snapshot of the unexpected travelers shortly after appearing in their new surroundings. Each image is of a character from one of the ten factions and a background of the planet they find themselves on. Each character holds an object they had with them when they were transported or one they found or traded for shortly after arrival. It will be up to NFT holders to continue the story, including discovering why this event occurred, how each planet will respond, and what alliances will be formed to bring these travelers home…

