Community Update — November 2023

Published in
6 min readDec 4, 2023

November was an exciting month for the Terra ecosystem, marked by a flurry of strategic moves by Terraform Labs (TFL), including its acquisition of Pulsar Finance and deployment of substantial blue chip liquidity on Astroport, Ura, and White Whale. This $17.65M capital infusion led to a notable spike in on-chain activity, but the momentum didn’t stop there: Terra integrated its new FeeShare module, AllianceDAO dropped updates on the soon-to-launch Alliance NFT collection, and Enterprise DAO v2 introduced cross-chain treasury functionality.

Read on to learn about everything that happened in the Terra ecosystem in November 👇

🌎 Ecosystem Updates

  • TFL announced its acquisition of Pulsar Finance, a leading cross-chain portfolio manager and data infrastructure provider. The acquisition represents a pivotal leap forward in placing Terra at the center of Web3 commerce, combining strengths that set the stage for accelerated growth and innovation in the coming years 🌖
  • TFL announced an over-the-counter (OTC) purchase of 22.4M ASTRO, which will be used to direct incentives toward Terra project liquidity pools in Astroport’s new vxASTRO marketplace and help shape the future of Astroport.
  • Astroport’s rewards on Terra outposts successfully migrated from XYK to PCL pools. LPs can now earn ASTRO and variable fees, all while traders enjoy better pricing.
  • A new era dawns at BackBone Labs as its website undergoes a chilling upgrade, uniting all products into a haunting app for eerie simplicity, smooth hauntings, and cursed integration ☠️
  • Astroport announced its Token Navigator: a single place to discover and explore all the tokens trading on Astroport.
  • Hallswap has undergone an upgrade and now provides some of the best prices for swaps on Terra, whether you’re making small or large trades!
  • Carbon tweeted that staking rSWTH on Terra yields an extra 39% APY.
  • Ura launched on Terra as the first ve(3,3) inspired DEX in Cosmos, bringing users the lowest fees and the best trading experience.
  • BIG Labs launched a free dashboard for Terra developers to test smart contracts, simulate messages, and more.
  • Chainscope added a custom view for Enterprise DAO, allowing users to view DAO-specific details 🔭
  • Shout-out to Synergy Nodes for being the #1 relayer for the Terra network, processing over 13K IBC transactions in the last 30 days!
  • Lion DAO was one of the first projects to take advantage of Terra’s new FeeShare module integration, enabling their DAO to earn a percentage of the fees their Enterprise DAO contract generates on Terra.
  • Astroport created a new intergalactic hub for all things Astroport and Cosmos on Telegram.
  • AllianceDAO announced its imminent release on Terra, sharing insights about the NFT collection, Game of Alliance players’ rewards, and more. Follow @The_AllianceDAO on Twitter/X to be the first to know of new developments!
  • TFL injected $15M of capital into the Terra ecosystem through Astroport and Ura, making Terra’s liquidity for blue-chip assets such as BTC and ETH the deepest among any Cosmos chain 🔥
  • Following the liquidity deployment, Astroport and Ura experienced over $6.2M in 24-hour trade volume on Terra across the blue-chip pools TFL seeded with liquidity. That helped DEX aggregators like TFM thrive by offering better rates to traders.
  • Join the Warp Protocol Telegram chat to learn more about Warp and share job ideas for the devs to build.
  • Enterprise DAO released cross-chain treasuries, enabling DAOs to deploy assets on supported chains and manage them via governance. DAOs must upgrade to v1.0.2 to take advantage of the new functionality.
  • Orbital Command released the Terra Intel Report on Telegram, enabling LUNAtics to stay up to date with the latest news on Terra.
  • TFL deployed another $2.65M of liquidity into White Whale, raising the capital deployed on Terra to $17.65M in total.

🏦 Governance Updates

  • Prop 4792, which aimed to incorporate the FeeShare module into Terra, passed with 100% in favor. The upgrade went live on Nov 15th, enabling developers and Enterprise DAOs to earn 75% of the fees their smart contracts generate on Terra.

🤝 Integrations & Listings

  • Pulsar added support for Astroport and Ura, allowing users to track all of their positions in a single place.
  • Pulsar integrated Station into its Proposal feature, allowing Station users to submit and vote on proposals to improve the Pulsar product 🗳️
  • Pulsar added support for Enterprise DAO v2, enabling DAOs to track their cross-chain treasuries.

🎥 Media Features

🎧 Follow TerraSpaces Audio Vaults on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts to listen back to previous Terra community Twitter Spaces.

✏️ Community Thread Highlights

💬 Closing Note

Looking back on the progress made in November, it’s evident that the Terra ecosystem is not just thriving — it’s evolving and maturing. With the liquidity deployment elevating on-chain activity, and with TFL combining forces with the Pulsar team to elevate Station, Foundation, and other projects, the future couldn’t look brighter. Let’s end this year together with a bang! 💥

Please share your thoughts in the comments section, give this article a Like, and share it to spread the word. Until next time!

Additional Resources

The future of Web3 is being built on Terra — take full advantage of it:

