How to Claim Your LUNA Airdrop

Zion Schum
Published in
5 min readSep 2, 2022


If you are an eligible user for the Terra Phoenix airdrop, this post will walk you through how to claim your LUNA using the claim interface, as well as suggest a few ways you can meaningfully use your LUNA after claiming. For details on eligibility, vesting periods, airdrop calculations, and other topics related to the Terra Phoenix Airdrop, check out the proposal on Agora.

Note: LUNA claimed in this airdrop that is subject to a vesting period will be undelegated by default, meaning that it won’t be automatically staked, earning rewards. Given that this LUNA won’t be liquid for at least 6 months from Genesis, depending on the users’ vesting schedule, users are encouraged to delegate their LUNA on Terra Station to earn staking rewards, vote on Terra governance proposals, and strengthen network security while their coins vest.

Claim Timeframe

Eligible users will have one month, from Sept. 4th, 2022 to Oct. 4th, 2022, to claim their airdrop. LUNA not claimed by Oct. 4th, 2022 will be returned to the Community Pool. This includes any unused gas fees.

How to Claim Your Airdrop

Step 1: Visit the Claim Interface

Open your browser and visit the claim interface at Upon navigating to the site, you will see the screen below.

Image 1: Landing Page

IMPORTANT: To avoid phishing attacks, make sure that the URL you’re visiting is

Step 2: Connect Your Wallet and Select Your Origin Chain

Next, click the ‘Select Wallet’ dropdown menu and choose which wallet you would like to connect. Eligible wallet providers include Terra Station, Terra Station Mobile, Keplr, and Metamask.

Image 2: Connecting Your Wallet

If you’re connecting with Metamask or Keplr, select the origin chain that you held your USTC, LUNC, or aUST on during the pre- and post-attack snapshots. For details on the specific timing of the pre- and post-attack snapshots for each chain, see the ‘Airdrop Eligibility’ section on the Agora proposal.

Image 3: Selecting Your Origin Chain

After connecting your wallet, the LUNA eligible to claim will show up, as seen in the example below.

Image 4: Checking Your Eligible LUNA Allocation

Step 3: Provide a New Terra Wallet Address and Sign the Transaction

Enter a new Terra wallet address where you would like to receive your airdrop. If you don’t have one yet, you can set one up on Terra Station in two minutes using this simple setup guide.

After entering your new wallet address, verify that the wallet does not have any previous transaction history, and check the box that says “I verify this is a new wallet address with no transaction history”.

Image 5: Entering a New Terra Wallet Address

If the wallet address you’ve entered is invalid, meaning that it has a previous transaction history or has already been used to claim the airdrop, you will see the message below.

Image 6: Invalid Terra Wallet Address

After entering your new Terra wallet address and ensuring that it has no prior transaction history, sign the transaction using your wallet from Step 2. Do note that a small amount of LUNA will be deducted from the airdrop amount to account for gas fees for those claiming from non-Terra chains.

IMPORTANT: The transaction body you should see when completing this transaction can be found below, based on the wallet you’re signing the transaction on. Users are encouraged to compare this transaction body to the one on the claim interface to avoid any loss of funds via potential phishing scams:

  • For Ethereum (Metamask) and Cosmos chains (Keplr), the message should be your ‘new Terra wallet address’:
Image 7: Message on Metamask Transactions
Image 8: Message on Keplr Transactions
  • For Terra:
Image 9: Message on Terra Transactions

Step 4: Transaction Success

After signing the transaction using your wallet from Step 2, your LUNA will arrive in your new Terra wallet address! 🎉

Image 10: Transaction Success

Follow-up Instructions Regarding Claim Errors

For users facing the ‘Something went wrong signing the transaction. Try again or check discord’ error, follow these steps to resolve:

  1. On Terra Station, ensure you’re connected to the wallet that’s eligible for the airdrop
  2. Change the network to ‘mainnet’ on Terra Station
  3. Clear your cache
  4. Visit and follow the claim steps above

You should now be able to claim your airdrop ✅

How to Get the Most Out of Your LUNA

On Terra, there are a variety of things you can do once you’ve claimed your LUNA airdrop:

  • Stake it on Terra Station to earn staking rewards (currently ~14% APR) and airdrops, participate in governance decisions, and strengthen the security of the Terra network
  • Provide it as liquidity on Astroport to earn swap fees and ASTRO emissions
  • Pick up some Terra NFTs on and become part of an NFT community
  • Explore the burgeoning Terra ecosystem on

Additional Resources

If you’d like to learn more about Terra, check out some of the resources below 👇

