Terra 2.0 — LUNA Airdrop Calculation Logic

Zion Schum
Published in
4 min readMay 28, 2022

As part of the transition to Terra 2.0, new LUNA coins will be airdropped to LUNA (now called LUNC), UST (now called USTC), and aUST holders based on the two snapshots outlined in the Terra Ecosystem Revival Plan. Full details of the LUNA airdrop can be found in our previous Medium article.

The calculation logic for the LUNA airdrop will be the subject of this post.

Airdrop Information

Total Supply of LUNA: 1 Billion

Pre-Attack Snapshot Height: 7544910 (2022–05–07 14:59:37 UTC)

Post-Attack Snapshot Height: 7790000 (2022–05–26 16:38:08 UTC)

LUNA Token Distribution

Table 1: LUNA Token Distribution

Airdrop Calculation Logic

LUNA Airdrop Ratios

Below are the airdrop ratios to determine the LUNA to be airdropped to a wallet on Terra 2.0 if the wallet held aUST, LUNA (now called LUNC), or UST (now called USTC) during the Pre- and Post-Attack snapshots. For example, if a user held 1 LUNA (now called LUNC) during the Pre-Attack snapshot, the user would be entitled to an airdrop of 1.034735071 LUNA on the new chain.

Table 2: LUNA Airdrop Ratios

Exchange Rates to LUNC

Below are the exchange rates for each liquid staking derivative of LUNC for both the Pre- and Post-Attack snapshots. For example, if a user held 1 cLUNA during the Pre-Attack snapshot, the user’s wallet would be considered to have held 1 LUNC during that period, and would be airdropped the appropriate amount based on that.

Table 3: Exchange Rates to LUNC

Airdrop Allocation

Using the formula below, one can calculate a LUNA airdrop allocation for a given wallet by inserting the figures they get from Tables 2 and 3 above, and inputting the wallet balance for the different assets at the Pre- and Post-Attack snapshots.

Pre-Attack aUST Ratio * min(aUST balance, 500k)

+ Pre-Attack LUNC Ratio * LUNA balance

+ Pre-Attack LUNC Ratio * Bonded LUNA balance

+ Pre-Attack LUNC Ratio * Unbonding LUNA balance

+ Pre-Attack LUNC Ratio * cLUNA exchange rate * cLUNA balance

+ Pre-Attack LUNC Ratio * pLUNA exchange rate * pLUNA balance

+ Pre-Attack LUNC Ratio * bLUNA exchange rate * bLUNA balance

+ Pre-Attack LUNC Ratio * stLUNA exchange rate * stLUNA balance

+ Pre-Attack LUNC Ratio * STEAK exchange rate * STEAK balance

+ Pre-Attack LUNC Ratio * LunaX exchange rate * LunaX balance

+ Pre-Attack LUNC Ratio * nLUNA exchange rate * nLUNA balance

+ Post-Attack UST Ratio * (aUST balance + UST balance)

+ Post-Attack LUNC Ratio * LUNA balance

+ Post-Attack LUNC Ratio * Bonded LUNA balance

+ Post-Attack LUNC Ratio * Unbonding LUNA balance

+ Post-Attack LUNC Ratio * cLUNA exchange rate * cLUNA balance

+ Post-Attack LUNC Ratio * pLUNA exchange rate * pLUNA balance

+ Post-Attack LUNC Ratio * bLUNA exchange rate * bLUNA balance

+ Post-Attack LUNC Ratio * stLUNA exchange rate * stLUNA balance

+ Post-Attack LUNC Ratio * STEAK exchange rate * STEAK balance

+ Post-Attack LUNC Ratio * LunaX exchange rate * LunaX balance

+ Post-Attack LUNC Ratio * nLUNA exchange rate * nLUNA balance

= LUNA Airdrop Allocation


Table 4: Example of a User’s Wallet Assets Included in the Pre- & Post-Attack Snapshots

Example User’s LUNA Airdrop Allocation

Table 5: Example User’s LUNA Airdrop Allocation

If the final allocation of new LUNA to the address is less than 1 LUNA, the airdrop will be allocated to the community pool.

About Terra 2.0

The new Terra network will inherit the deep developer pool and passionate LUNAtic community that made Terra Classic the 2nd largest smart contract blockchain behind Ethereum. As the community migrates to the new chain, most of the popular Terra Classic projects will be joining them, including:

  • Astroport
  • Prism
  • RandomEarth
  • Spectrum
  • Nebula
  • and many others

Built with interoperability in mind, Terra will be the gateway to the wider Cosmos ecosystem and beyond.

Additional Resources

If you’d like to learn more about Terra, check out the resources below 👇

