Weekly Update TDP 8.20.21

Published in
2 min readAug 20, 2021

Terra Delegation Program

Recap 2021 Disbursement 2: Week 1

The 2021 Round 2 of the Terra Delegation Program (TDP) has begun.

If you are a validator and want the information first, here is the list for week one. Remember, you will need to meet the requirements below to progress to next week.

Validator Profiles go through a 2-step review process — a content review and a technical review. If you have a checkmark in Terra Station you have passed both parts, and specific feedback will be provided as profiles are reviewed for accuracy this week.

As a recap, there are only 4 qualifications this round:

  1. Have a complete Validator Profile:
    Example of a perfect pull request Here.
    Example of a perfect finished profile Here.

Notice that the example has an updated readme. This step is often missed and means your previously submitted profile might not be complete.
That’s right. You might have a checkmark, and not have a complete profile. Look over the examples, and be proactive.

2. Commission at or below 10%: at all snapshots.

3. Bombay Testnet must be active: at all snapshots.

4. You must apply at the link below by 8.18.21 9 PM KST: https://forms.gle/Sycuk24t38Pu72UX9

What is the snapshot? Once a week I will be taking a snapshot, and then publishing the results. They will not be announced to prevent gaming the system. They will be public so you can track your progress.

Links will be posted publicly on Discord and Twitter when snapshots are complete.

Delegations will be weighted for decentralization. This means the TFL fund will weigh distributions to flatten the voting curve.

Delegations are targeted for disbursement by the 4th week of September. Those of you that participated last time know, releasing funds can be a long process.

We will not make a delegation to validators outside the active set, and each week the applicant pool will carry over from the prior week. If you are not in the applicant pool this week, you will not qualify next week.

All delegations are ultimately at the discretion of Terraform Labs.

We are hiring a Rust Developer, contact Jared, or apply here!

