Part 2: Prototyping Sci-Fi Solutions Today: How AI Translates Vision into Action

Daniela Axinte
Terra3.0: Rewrite Future History
8 min readFeb 26, 2024
AI-generated with DALL-E

The power of science fiction prototyping lies in translating bold visions into actionable blueprints. But those blueprints were mere sketches until recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence. Where once only textual descriptions or rough concept art served as guides, AI-powered tools now fuel the transformation of sci-fi ideas into tangible prototypes and simulations. Let’s explore how this revolution in prototyping can reshape critical domains with real-world implications.

Urban Congestion and Pollution

  • SFP Scenario: A bustling city where personal vehicles are obsolete, replaced by a hyper-efficient network of autonomous transportation pods linked to an AI-powered traffic management system. These pods could be aerial, underground, etc. The narrative explores life in this transformed city — cleaner air, faster commutes, and new business models.
  • Prototyping the Idea:
  • Image generation tools create vivid depictions of the city, new transit hubs, and pod designs.
  • The AI analyzes the narrative for logistical needs — mapping routes, energy efficiency models, and predicting bottlenecks.
  • Coding tools could generate rudimentary interfaces for the traffic management system or a ‘booking’ app for users.
  • This informs urban planners working on solutions, potentially inspiring pilot projects, zoning changes, and new approaches far beyond simply adding car lanes.

Access to Quality Healthcare in Remote Areas

  • SFP Scenario: Remote clinics are staffed minimally but are supported by advanced AI diagnostic tools and robotic surgical aids for emergencies. AI could access global medical expertise in real time during procedures. The narrative focuses on a patient case, which is only possible thanks to this setup.
  • Prototyping the Idea:
  • Image generators depict the clinic — modular design for quick construction, etc.
  • Language models analyze the scenario to flag which skills would be needed for local staff to assist with AI-guided processes. This identifies training needs.
  • AI tools could help visualize the step-by-step instructions for robot-assisted procedures, guiding future development.
  • This leads to viable implementation models, addressing both tech and the needed human interaction.

Disaster Resilience

  • SFP Scenario: A coastal city faces increased severity of storms. The narrative outlines a multi-faceted defense — modular seawalls, adaptable ‘soft barriers’ that mimic natural defenses, and a sensor network linked to AI that coordinates evacuation and predicts danger zones.
  • Prototyping the Ideas:
  • Visual tools help design these novel barriers with simulations of impacts and wave action.
  • Language models, fed emergency protocols and past disaster data, could refine the predictive and communication aspects of the network.
  • Apple Vision Pro-type tech could aid in prototyping the sensors, suggesting locations, and how to analyze environmental data in real-time.
  • This provides an integrated toolkit for communities facing similar climate change-related dangers.

Combating misinformation

  • SFP Scenario: An online ecosystem where social platforms leverage AI that recognizes the intent behind content rather than just keywords. Narratives explore how it handles conspiracy theories and manipulated imagery, and restores trust online.
  • Prototyping the Idea:
  • Large language models could be fine-tuned on datasets intentionally tailored to recognize various forms of manipulation.
  • Scenario analysis highlights gaps — would the AI understand humor, satire, or how evolving slang is used to evade detection?
  • This creates a focus on refining AI detection tools for the ever-changing world of online content. It wouldn’t be a magical cure but a direction for development.



  • SFP Scenario: A future where a hacker group launches a massive global cyberattack targeting critical infrastructure, government systems, and personal devices. The narrative would outline motives, attack methods, consequences, and stakeholders’ responses.
  • Prototyping the Idea: LLMs are used to generate diverse countermeasures and response strategies (e.g., encryption, authentication, backups, and advanced cyberdefense).
  • Evaluation: LLMs provide feedback on strategies, examining effectiveness, feasibility, and ethical considerations. This could include scenarios where countermeasures clash with privacy norms or create new vulnerabilities.
  • Outcome: Sci-fi prototyping through LLMs allows for simulation and testing of various cyberattack situations, promoting a deeper understanding of potential weaknesses in current systems and inspiring targeted technological developments to address them.



  • SFP Scenario: A sci-fi video generated by an LLM showcases online education as the norm. Students engage with resources using various devices in diverse settings, highlighting accessibility and flexibility.
  • Prototyping the Idea: The LLM is used to explore potential challenges (digital divide, potential for cheating, ensuring quality control, and tailoring approaches for individual learners).
  • Evaluation: The LLM provides feedback on this educational model’s effectiveness, impact, and overall desirability. Scenarios might highlight benefits as well as unintended negative consequences.
  • Outcome: Prototyping enables examination of the future of education through an immersive sci-fi lens, spurring innovations and addressing potential flaws before large-scale implementations.


  • SFP Scenario: An LLM generates detailed code outlining a novel biotechnology application (e.g., gene editing to combat a previously incurable disease, nanobots for targeted drug delivery, etc.).
  • Prototyping the Idea: The same LLM explores potential benefits and risks: cure rates, societal impacts of accessible treatment, long-term health effects, and ethical dilemmas of potential misuse.
  • Evaluation: The LLM provides feedback regarding safety, potential bias in outcomes based on demographics, and overall desirability within an ethical framework.
  • Outcome: This sci-fi prototyping method offers a ‘sandbox’ for examining cutting-edge biotech. Ideas can be stress-tested through simulations, highlighting the need for regulatory safeguards or inspiring adjustments for equitable implementation.

Manufacturing Assistant

  • SFP Scenario: Sci-fi prototype outlines a novel invention — a device, a new type of material, etc. The narrative includes both its core function and detailed physical descriptions.
  • Prototyping the Idea: Apple Vision Pro-like AI analyzes the descriptions and maps them to potential real-world materials and fabrication methods. This is the starting point for physical mockups.
  • Evaluation: After the build, the strengths and weaknesses of the design are assessed. Language models and image generators take this feedback, proposing alterations in the core narrative concept.
  • Outcome: Sci-fi prototyping creates an iterative loop. Design flaws uncovered inform AI analysis, sparking modified descriptions leading to better builds. It highlights practical problems early on, saving time and resources.

Immersive World Building with VR

  • SFP Scenario: Designers construct a detailed VR Martian colony with tools like Apple Vision Pro. It includes interactive elements — life support systems, habitats, etc. This is more than visualization; it’s prototyping survival in a new world.
  • Prototyping the Idea: User interactions within the VR setting expose unforeseen design hurdles. Can life support be maintained realistically? Are habitats conducive to long-term psychological well-being?
  • Evaluation: The sci-fi narrative itself evolves based on this ‘lived’ experience in VR. It might introduce unforeseen social changes colonists undergo under stress or limitations of initial terraforming designs.
  • Outcome: Immersive prototyping allows iterative improvements driven by more than theoretical calculations. The interplay between human experience in VR and the evolving virtual world inspires more practical solutions applicable to real space endeavors.

AI-Generated Storytelling and Concept Exploration

  • SFP Scenario: GPT-4/5 generates a world impacted by widespread quantum computing, including societal upheavals alongside innovative solutions unique to these capabilities.
  • Prototyping the Idea: The narrative is a starting point for focused analysis. Academics, ethicists, and policy-makers dissect the story to pinpoint core concerns and benefits.
  • Evaluation: Discussion based on the generated narrative could highlight how quantum-driven tech risks deepening existing inequities or how a new approach to resource distribution might emerge.
  • Outcome: It becomes a proactive brainstorming tool. Potential issues identified within the fictional framework drive the search for mitigating factors to integrate into quantum tech development from its early stages.

Visualizing Futuristic Technologies

  • SFP Scenario: AI image/video generators depict nanomedicine robots within the body. It visualizes function and interaction — how they navigate tissue, identify problems, etc.
  • Prototyping the Idea: Visuals created are shared across relevant audiences (scientists, potential investors, and the public). This unifies understanding and bridges communication gaps among differing specialties.
  • Evaluation: Feedback highlights if the visualization sparks questions about how it interfaces with the immune system, if the design seems viable, etc. The AI tools then create iterations as needed.
  • Outcome: Prototyping through visualization concretes abstract concepts, influencing further research trajectory and driving more targeted funding toward promising approaches.

Simulating Advanced AI Interactions

  • SFP Scenario: GPT-4/5 dialogues simulate AI handling high-stakes scenarios (infrastructure management, diplomacy). Scenarios include realistic failures alongside successes.
  • Prototyping the Idea: It maps where this level of problem-solving AI excels and, crucially, where it breaks down. Does it get mired in historical precedent to a fault? What kind of decision does it absolutely falter with?
  • Evaluation: The focus is on AI’s limitations. These might highlight specific training sets needed or even indicate entire categories of tasks better left to human-driven deliberation.
  • Outcome: Simulation drives development by outlining not what works but what needs improvement as this level of AI becomes real. This promotes cautious implementation.

Automated Code Generation for Experimental Tech

  • SFP Scenario: A narrative might outline a device enabling localized gravity manipulation. It focuses on how, from a user perspective, this would function alongside its limitations.
  • Prototyping the Idea: AI code generation tools take that as input and create software managing control interfaces, power usage simulations, or safety overrides as if a real device needed these functions.
  • Evaluation: Code is assessed by experts. Are functions feasible (given what we know of physics)? Could any part inspire new theoretical work even if the complete realization of the device is far off?
  • Outcome: Even if physical realization is elusive, this prototyping pushes boundaries. Code itself inspires new experiments into materials or energy usage, driving incremental discoveries.

Ethical and Societal Impact Simulations

  • SFP Scenario: AI narrates a world with AI-managed government systems or total surveillance. VR constructs this as a user experience — seeing through their eyes as their choices are constrained or freedoms enhanced.
  • Prototyping the Idea: It’s the emotional response within this simulation that’s vital. Do users rebel? Feel an unexpected contentment? This exposes hidden potential societal shifts as humans adapt to this tech.
  • Evaluation: Analysis focuses on emotional response, not merely efficiency metrics. This might show that even if ‘optimal’ outcomes are achieved, the human cost is too high or reveal unanticipated ways citizens subvert such systems.
  • Outcome: The simulation informs a deeper, more nuanced approach to tech development. It moves beyond whether these ideas can work to whether people can sustainably tolerate their consequences.

The scenarios outlined above illustrate the profound shift currently underway. It’s a move away from theoretical promises and into /a space where we simulate, stress-test, and dissect consequences not on a whiteboard but within environments informed by robust human experience. Prototyping has, quite literally, gained new dimensions. Far from guaranteeing every audacious sci-fi idea achieves fruition, it undeniably empowers us with the capacity to anticipate both potential marvels and looming perils. With such clarity, we can chart a course toward the kind of future we actively choose rather than one that technology thrusts upon us unprepared.

In the final part of this series, The Quantum Frontier: Using Quantum Tech to Rethink What’s Possible, we’ll look at what might be possible once we throw quantum computing and quantum AI into the mix.



Daniela Axinte
Terra3.0: Rewrite Future History

Independent thinker. Writer. Artist. Scientist. Armchair philosopher. Observer. Explorer. Of the mind. Of the world around me.