A Cliché Morning by Eldar Satymov

Terrace Vista
Terrace Vista
3 min readDec 13, 2015


The voice of someone talking loudly on phone woke me up. I couldn’t move, I felt like if I were a mosquito smashed into the windshield of a fast going car. My eyes were still closed. I saw different colours. They were dancing. Green, yellow, purple, and orange, and even blue was dancing with them. How happy they were. But suddenly I remembered I was on a party previous night, and all the colours vanished. But that was all what I remembered. I didn’t know how has the party ended. I opened my eyes instantly in panic and looked around hoping to find a clue about what happened last night. I was lying on a tiny bed, my legs didn’t fit. The room was disturbingly bright and colourful. I heard a slight snooze coming out of somewhere in the room. Then I forced myself to get up, and while lifting my head the sunshine falling right on my face through the window behind the bed blinded me so unmercifully, that even after I had shut my eyes I saw a fierce radiant dot. I felt the soft warmth of the sunlight on my face. I set on the bed looking down at a girl who were sleeping on the floor. Lying there she looked quite comfortable though. She were breathing very deeply. But no lies she looked very ugly. I stared at her for awhile with my eyes half closed. Her face looked like as if it was a fat fish’s with no eyes. I couldn’t figure out if her skin was really dark green or my eyes did see her in that colour. Her ugliness awoke a nausea in my body. My palms got cold, and the bright walls and that loud voice made it even worse. All what I wanted was someone to bring me a glass of cold water. I pulled the blanket off my legs and searched my pockets for the keys, phone, and the wallet. I found them all, luckily. I pulled myself together and got up of the bed. Saying “Would you mind if I stepped over you, princess?” I jumped over the dead fish and walked out of the room.

“Yes. Okay. I understand. I’ll be there in 15 minutes.” Echoed the voice out of the kitchen. It seemed like it was her mom. “Yeah. See you, sweetheart,”-continued the voice. My shadow appeared on the wall of the kitchen, and I understood that there was no way back to the bedroom to pretend sleeping, at least until she was gone.

— Come in, young man — said she as if it was okay to sleep in one room with her daughter. I knew that I got into hot water. Oh, my eyes locked on the cooler. Was any COLD water in there? She leaned back, and turned her neck in my direction. Her venomous glance pierced me, like the nausea was not enough. To handle her glance even for two seconds was an epic clash. But I did manage it, and in the end she smiled. What the freak? But really, how could she? I wondered about her personality: was she a kind mama, like mine, or was she a master of false smiles like those clerks in shopping malls? She was wearing slim fit jeans and a turquoise jacket with a white blouse under. And heavy golden chains on her neck strangled her like it was her punishment to wear them.

— I suppose you are Çagla’s friend. — Continued she while searching in her Louis Vuitton bag. So, the sleeping wonder’s name was Çagla. Good to know.
— Aaah, yeaah, THE BEST friend! — replied I, finally revealing the sound of my voice. She looked at me silently and threw her head backwards, and then bowed. Then she took her bag and leaned towards me. She whispered:
— I’ll beat shit out of you if you have touched her. — and left no doubts about her personality.

[to be continued…]

