Terrae Game Journal |01| What gold can’t buy, or could it?

Master your resource managing skills, export strategically and model your own economy.

Franco Scucchiero
4 min readMar 7, 2019


Hello human beings, welcome back to another blog. In this opportunity, I’m pleased to say that after defining tons of details, we can finally say we have reached our first(alpha) resource mechanism.

In this episode, I’ll show you without getting into further details: how it works, what the possibilities are, and why it is important to understand them right. At the end of this chapter, you may have learned the whole deal and start planning your strategy. If any technicalities required, please feel free to join our discord channel.

For those who don’t know what this journal is about, feel free to read this article first to get a better understanding.

Concept art by Miguel Molero

Ok, being honest, to design the resource mechanism, we thought of you as the evilest prisoners of the most remote jail in the driest desert. There are loads of ways to find some bugs and get some advantage abusing them, but we had to catch them all or make them tasteless.

We ran into some “what if…” cases that were sort of difficult to prevent, but we managed to seal a fairly strong design. Timing issues, re-entrancy danger, ownership misplacing, etc. If you find one and want to do the right thing contact us in our discord channel and get a mention in our Helpers Wall!.

The very basics of the resource mechanism are inherited from the widely know ERC20 standard.

ERC-20 defines a common list of rules for Ethereum tokens to follow within the larger Ethereum ecosystem. These rules include how the tokens are transferred between addresses and how data within each token is accessed.

With this in mind, we thought that thinking resources as a traditional ERC20 would be the best for you to familiarize. Just like a mere cryptocurrency, you simply will be able to transfer them and allow others to spend them too.

Easy, right? Well, actually yes, but that’s only the first layer… after that, we had to make it harvestable.

The harvesting mechanism involved tons of concepts that were sort of undefined, which was pretty cool since we spoke about plenty of other things that were just popping up.

To do that, we created a second smart contract, having in mind that every land would create a resource at a certain production rate, according to the type of land we are speaking about. E. g. a mountain may have gold and stone rather than fishes.

Believe me, I hate saying that it took us an eternity to do something basic, but basically every resource in each land will be harvestable once in a fixed time, let’s say 30 minutes. If you are being attacked, or in a rush, you may pay a fee to get the resources that match the time passed since the last time, but not get a benefit for paying. Some investigations may address to your profile improvement in the harvesting time.

E . g: “Gold miners level 4, decreases the gold harvesting time by 4%”

Finally, we added the last layer, which is the marketplace. Where (spoiler alert) you can sell, set some auctions, and spend hours waiting for unbelievable offers. But since that’s something of another article I will say no more for today.

So now, what everyone wants to know…

I lied to you, there’s no guide of how to use your resources the best, or the first 1500 movements you have to do to lead your zone. This is not because we didn’t define it yet, but instead because we don’t want it to exist.

At Terrae, we believe that every player must build their own track. Depending on the context, the available resources and the current moment of the game, just like with natural selection, you will either crush your enemies or die.

Of course, there may be some basic pieces of advice on how to use your resources, like, don’t throw them into the water… but really, there isn’t a real guide. Some civilization may have better armies than others, so they will bend their economy to sell their strongest fighters, but others may have a stronger resource collection capacity, and buy better ones.

I’ll leave you with that open end.

Trade, Conspire & Conquer!

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