Terrae Game Journal |10| Some Facts About the Assets

Agus Caccia
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2019

The first thing you should know is that our game is “Free to Play”, but unlike most games under this model, Terrae is not going to be “Pay-to-Win”.

There will be certain NFT (Non Fungible Tokens), such as avatars, characters, flags, clothing, among others, that you can buy in the marketplace, so you can create your character in your own way and give it a unique identity with different elements such as clothing and others.

Concept art by Miguel Molero

That’s why our colleague Andrés, who is blockchain architect, is in charge of creating NFT. These tokens will follow the ERC721 standard, which means that, they will be unique, there’s not gonna be two of a kind. Unlike ERC20, which is the most common token which represents any type of fungible resource. These NFTs are going to be available soon in OpenSea, a public market that partnered with us. For this, Andrés set up smart contracts, and added more functions, so that the requests could serve to OpenSea. And in turn, he created an API in AWS to consult the data of each one of the tokens.

In Terrae there will be other types of assets that will be ERC20, such as most of the resources like natural resources: food, wood, stones, etc. and also military resources like archers, swordsmen, knights, etc.

Regard to lands, these will be ERC721, but these tokens will be created later when we release the game.

Stay tuned for more updates coming soon.

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