Terrae Game Journal |15|Terrae Prototype is Ready!

Federico Caccia
Published in
1 min readJan 25, 2020

We would like to invite you to check our progress in the development of Terrae, the first blockchain-based MMO RTS. We have concluded the testing stage in the communication with Skale chain, the Ethereum second layer scalability solution.

In the following prototype demo we show how to register a new user, to login and to perform some basic game operations, as well as the blockchain relationship in those operations: we connected My Ether Wallet to our Skale chain in order to check assets balance.

Hope you have enjoyed it! If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will be glad to answer you. You can also join our public discord channel to participate in the day-to-day news of the development, or even participate in the development if you wish.

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Federico Caccia

CEO at Rather Labs, Inc. | Blockchain entrepreneur | Ms. Sc. Nuclear Engineer